首页> 外文期刊>American journal of public health >Primary Care and Public Health Services Integration in Brazil’s Unified Health System

Primary Care and Public Health Services Integration in Brazil’s Unified Health System




Objectives. We examined associations between transdisciplinary collaboration, evidence-based practice, and primary care and public health services integration in Brazil’s Family Health Strategy. We aimed to identify practices that facilitate service integration and evidence-based practice. Methods. We collected cross-sectional data from community health workers, nurses, and physicians (n?=?262). We used structural equation modeling to assess providers’ service integration and evidence-based practice engagement operationalized as latent factors. Predictors included endorsement of team meetings, access to and consultations with colleagues, familiarity with community, and previous research experience. Results. Providers’ familiarity with community and team meetings positively influenced evidence-based practice engagement and service integration. More experienced providers reported more integration and engagement. Physicians reported less integration than did community health workers. Black providers reported less evidence-based practice engagement than did Pardo (mixed races) providers. After accounting for all variables, evidence-based practice engagement and service integration were moderately correlated. Conclusions. Age and race of providers, transdisciplinary collaboration, and familiarity with the community are significant variables that should inform design and implementation of provider training. Promising practices that facilitate service integration in Brazil may be used in other countries. The integration of primary care and public health is a key strategy, recommended nationally and internationally, for assisting underserved populations; it encourages community-focused initiatives and transdisciplinary approaches to practice. Integration allows health providers (e.g., physicians, nurses, health workers) to use individual- and community-level interventions to influence, respectively, individual behavior and community health. 1–3 Brazil’s Sistema único de Saúde (Unified Health System) was created as a result of Brazil’s 1988 federal constitution and the 1990 Lei Organica da Saúde (Organic Health Law). This law aimed to establish a large, decentralized health system offering free, universal care from medical consultations to organ transplants, health campaigns, and sanitation. 4 This system struggles with access, quality, and service coordination (e.g., scheduling, monitoring) mainly because it is incorporated under a single legal structure that contradicts decentralization and affects the integration of services that different sectors of the Sistema único de Saúde , such as hospitals, provide. 5 To integrate primary care and public health, the Sistema único de Saúde employs the Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF; Family Health Strategy), a transdisciplinary approach used by health providers. ESF reflects “the new public health” paradigm, positing that integration best addresses health and environmental issues affecting communities. 6–8 The World Health Organization recommends that diverse providers pursue community-level outcomes and medical cost reductions through service integration. 9 Established in 1994 as the Programa de Saúde da Família , today the ESF consolidates a model of assistance operationalized by professional teams, including nurses, physicians, and community health workers (CHWs), that serve about 4000 individuals per team. 10,11 In Brazil, service integration is accomplished by transdisciplinary collaboration—providers delivering primary care alongside public health interventions (e.g., disease prevention campaigns). 11–14 Providers strive to engage in evidence-based practice (EBP), which is characterized by providers assessing the impact of environmental issues (e.g., water supply) on health and by incorporating patient input and research findings into diagnosis and treatment. EBP is encouraged by training local providers in integration methods. 15,16 ESF has improved adult patients’ awareness of their diagnoses and prognoses and their adherence to children’s immunization schedules and has decreased infant mortality, hospitalizations, and medication costs. 10,11,17–19.
机译:目标。我们研究了巴西家庭健康策略中跨学科合作,循证实践以及初级保健和公共卫生服务整合之间的关联。我们旨在确定有助于服务集成和循证实践的实践。方法。我们从社区卫生工作者,护士和医生那里收集了横断面数据(n = 262)。我们使用结构方程模型来评估提供商的服务集成和可操作为潜在因素的基于证据的实践参与度。预测因素包括团队会议的认可,与同事的访问和磋商,对社区的熟悉程度以及以前的研究经验。结果。提供者对社区和团队会议的熟悉,对基于证据的实践参与和服务集成产生了积极影响。更有经验的提供商报告了更多的整合和参与。医生报告的融合程度少于社区卫生工作者。黑人提供者报告的基于证据的实践参与度少于Pardo(混合种族)提供者。在考虑了所有变量之后,基于证据的实践参与度和服务集成度之间存在适度的相关性。结论。提供者的年龄和种族,跨学科合作以及对社区的熟悉度是重要的变量,应为提供者培训的设计和实施提供依据。促进巴西服务整合的有前途的做法可能会在其他国家/地区使用。初级保健和公共卫生相结合是一项在国内和国际上建议的,旨在协助服务水平低下的人群的关键战略;它鼓励以社区为中心的倡议和跨学科的实践方法。整合使卫生服务提供者(例如,医生,护士,卫生工作者)可以使用个人和社区级别的干预措施来分别影响个人行为和社区健康。 1–3巴西的SistemaúnicodeSaúde(统一卫生系统)是巴西1988年制定的联邦宪法和1990年的有机卫生法(Lei Organica daSaúde)建立的。该法律旨在建立一个大型,分散的卫生系统,提供从医疗咨询到器官移植,健康运动和卫生的免费,全民医疗服务。 4该系统在访问,质量和服务协调(例如调度,监视)方面进行了挣扎,主要是因为该系统是在一个单一的法律结构中进行的,该法律结构与权力下放相抵触并影响到SistemaúnicodeSaúde不同部门的服务集成,例如医院,提供。 5为了将初级保健与公共卫生相结合,SistemaúnicodeSaúde采用了EstratégiaSaúdedaFamília(ESF;家庭健康策略),这是卫生提供者采用的跨学科方法。 ESF反映了“新的公共卫生”范式,认为整合最能解决影响社区的健康和环境问题。 6–8世界卫生组织建议,不同的提供者通过服务整合来追求社区级的成果并降低医疗成本。 9 ESF成立于1994年,是一个名为Saode daFamília的计划,如今,ESF巩固了由专业团队(包括护士,医生和社区卫生工作者(CHW))实施的援助模式,每个团队为大约4000人提供服务。 10,11在巴西,服务整合是通过跨学科合作来完成的,即提供公共卫生干预措施(例如疾病预防运动)的同时提供初级保健的提供商。 11–14提供者努力参与循证实践(EBP),其特征在于提供者评估环境问题(例如,供水)对健康的影响,并将患者的意见和研究结果纳入诊断和治疗。通过培训本地提供商的集成方法,鼓励了EBP。 15,16 ESF提高了成年患者对其诊断和预后的认识,并提高了他们对儿童免疫计划的遵守程度,并降低了婴儿死亡率,住院和药物治疗费用。 10,11,17–19。



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