首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Experimental Agriculture >Socioeconomic Factors and Soil Fertility Management Practices Affecting Sorghum Production in Western Kenya: A Case Study of Busia County

Socioeconomic Factors and Soil Fertility Management Practices Affecting Sorghum Production in Western Kenya: A Case Study of Busia County




Sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor L. Moench), though ranked as the third most important staple food crop in Kenya, farmers still experience periodic crop failure and this is a threat to food and income security. This paper attempts to find the underlying factors responsible for low production and establish farmers’ perceptions on soil fertility management. A cross-sectional study was carried out in Busia County, to relate socioeconomic factors and soil fertility management aspects affecting sorghum yields. Structured interviews and observations were used for data collection, considering the variables: demographic factors, income, farmers’ perception on soil fertility replenishing options, access to agricultural advisory services and yields of sorghum. Results indicate that women are predominant (57.3%) sorghum producing farmers in the County. Literacy level reveals majority of the farmers (49.3%) have primary education as optimum suggesting sorghum production to be through hands-on experience. Individual land ownership was the norm with most farms being 1.5 to 2.0 hectares. Income among respondents is below USD 1.25 per day. Sorghum is ranked very important (56.7%) and is a resource against food shortage. Many farmers (41.3.0%) use traditional seed from previous harvests with 24.0% purchasing seed from agro-dealers or being provided by non-Governmental organizations/projects. Intercropping is associated with food security, improved yields and land inadequacy and not to soil fertility restoration. Inadequate knowledge on the role of legumes and crop residue recycling in soil fertility improvement exists and 38.7% of farmers have access to agricultural information. Gender, social norms, literacy, fertilizer use, accessibility to advisory services and farmers’ perception on soil fertility management options are concluded to impact on sorghum production in Busia County. The existing database on the alternative researched options to restore soil fertility and increase crop yields could be channeled through demonstration plots to farmers in a participatory manner in order to facilitate adoption.
机译:高粱(Sorghum bicolor L. Moench)虽然被列为肯尼亚第三重要的主食作物,但农民仍然经历着周期性的歉收,这对粮食和收入安全构成了威胁。本文试图找出造成低产的根本原因,并建立农民对土壤肥力管理的认识。在比西亚县进行了一项横断面研究,以研究影响高粱产量的社会经济因素和土壤肥力管理方面。考虑到以下变量,使用结构化的访谈和观察进行数据收集:人口因素,收入,农民对土壤肥力补充方案的认识,获得农业咨询服务的机会以及高粱的产量。结果表明,在该县,生产高粱的农民为女性(57.3%)。识字水平表明,大多数农民(49.3%)接受了初等教育,这是最佳的选择,这表明高粱的生产应通过动手实践来进行。个体土地所有权是规范,大多数农场为1.5至2.0公顷。受访者每天的收入低于1.25美元。高粱排名非常重要(56.7%),是防止粮食短缺的资源。许多农民(41.3.0%)使用以前收获的传统种子,其中24.0%从农业经销商处购买种子,或由非政府组织/项目提供。间作与粮食安全,单产提高和土地不足有关,与土壤肥力恢复无关。关于豆类和作物残渣循环利用在土壤肥力改善中的作用的认识不足,有38.7%的农民可以获得农业信息。得出结论,性别,社会规范,识字率,肥料使用,获得咨询服务的机会以及农民对土壤肥力管理选择的看法影响了比西亚县的高粱生产。可以通过示范性耕地以参与性方式向农民提供关于恢复土壤肥力和增加农作物产量的替代研究方案的现有数据库,以促进采用。



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