首页> 外文期刊>American journal of public health >Recent Trends in Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health in Brazil: Progress Toward Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5

Recent Trends in Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health in Brazil: Progress Toward Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5




We analyzed Brazil's efforts in reducing child mortality, improving maternal and child health, and reducing socioeconomic and regional inequalities from 1990 through 2007. We compiled and reanalyzed data from several sources, including vital statistics and population-based surveys. We also explored the roles of broad socioeconomic and demographic changes and the introduction of health sector and other reform measures in explaining the improvements observed. Our findings provide compelling evidence that proactive measures to reduce health disparities accompanied by socioeconomic progress can result in measurable improvements in the health of children and mothers in a relatively short interval. Our analysis of Brazil's successes and remaining challenges to reach and surpass Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5 can provide important lessons for other low- and middle-income countries. The world is now well past the midpoint for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a set of internationally agreed upon development aspirations to be achieved by 2015. Maternal, newborn, and child health are an integral part of these goals, yet global progress toward MDG 4 (reducing child mortality) has been uneven, and MDG 5 (improving maternal health) exhibits the least progress worldwide of all health MGDs. 1 – 3 The global economic crisis is also negatively affecting the most vulnerable women and children and threatens to undermine efforts to reduce persisting inequities in service delivery and health care outcomes. 1 , 4 In this context, it is becoming increasingly urgent to document and widely disseminate country success stories in improving maternal, newborn, and child survival so that they may be replicated elsewhere. Studies examining the success of low- and middle-income countries in increasing coverage of essential maternal, newborn, and child health services and narrowing the gaps between the richest and poorest population groups have attributed these accomplishments to health care reform measures and simultaneous improvements in women's access to education and income earning opportunities. 5 – 8 These studies have shown that significant reductions in maternal, newborn, and child health inequities can be achieved under diverse political and economic conditions. Key to the success of countries' efforts to progress toward MDGs 4 and 5 have been political commitment to universal access to services across the continuum of care 9 and the adoption of specific measures (e.g., implementation of a coherent mix of financial protection schemes) aimed at ensuring that no population groups are excluded. 10 , 11 Brazil, the nation with the largest economy in Latin America and a country historically characterized by substantial health and wealth inequities, has made rapid strides in improving maternal, newborn, and child health. In 2005, because of its high absolute number of child deaths, Brazil was included among the 60 priority countries (i.e., countries accountable for 94% of all child mortality) in the countdown to the 2015 deadline for achieving all MDGs. 12 The latest estimates show, however, that Brazil is on track for MDG 4 and is making good progress in increasing coverage for interventions relevant to MDG 5. 13 Also, Brazil is unique among low- and middle-income countries because of its tax-based unified health service, introduced in 1988, that offers free and comprehensive health care to all Brazilian citizens regardless of employment status or contributions to Social Security. Brazil has 1 federal district (Brasilia) and 26 states (we refer to 27 states throughout for the sake of simplicity) divided into 5 regions: North, Northeast, Southeast, South, and West–Central. The Southeast and South regions are the most developed; the North and Northeast regions are the poorest. The North region, dominated by the Amazon area, is the largest, with 45.2% of the land area, but it comprises only 8.1% of the population. The West–Central region has the second largest area, but the population corresponds to only 7.1% of the country. Most of the population is concentrated in the Southeast (42%), and an additional 14.5% of the country's residents live in the South, which has a subtropical climate. The Northeast region has a population of nearly 54 million, corresponding to 28.2% of the country's residents. 14 Our goals were to investigate trends in maternal, neonatal, infant, and child mortality in Brazil from 1990 to 2007 and interpret these trends in the light of health sector reforms, the introduction of pro-poor policies and programs, and broad socioeconomic and demographic changes. To determine whether and how inequities in these mortality indices changed, we examined trends in child and infant mortality across wealth quintiles and regions. We also documented changes in the cause distribution of infant deaths nationa
机译:我们分析了巴西从1990年到2007年在降低儿童死亡率,改善母婴健康以及减少社会经济和地区不平等方面所做的努力。我们汇总并重新分析了来自多个来源的数据,包括生命统计和基于人口的调查。我们还探讨了广泛的社会经济和人口变化以及在介绍观察到的改善方面引入卫生部门和其他改革措施的作用。我们的发现提供了令人信服的证据,即减少健康差距和社会经济进步的积极措施可以在相对较短的间隔内显着改善儿童和母亲的健康。我们对巴西的成功以及为实现和超越千年发展目标4和5所面临的挑战的分析,可以为其他中低收入国家提供重要的经验教训。现在,世界已经远远超过了实现千年发展目标(MDG)的中点,千年发展目标是到2015年要实现的一系列国际商定的发展愿望。孕产妇,新生儿和儿童健康是这些目标不可或缺的一部分。全球在实现千年发展目标4(降低儿童死亡率)方面的进展参差不齐,而千年发展目标5(改善孕产妇健康)在所有健康MGD中进展最慢。 1 – 3 全球经济危机也在负面影响 1,4 在这种情况下,记录和广泛传播国家成功经验变得越来越迫切改善孕产妇,新生儿和儿童的生存状况,以便可以在其他地方复制它们。研究审查了低收入和中等收入国家在扩大基本孕产妇,新生儿和儿童保健服务的覆盖面以及缩小最富和最贫穷人口群体之间的差距方面取得的成功,这些成就归因于保健改革措施和妇女保健水平的同时提高。 5 – 8 这些研究表明,在不同的政治和经济条件下,可以大大减少孕产妇,新生儿和儿童的健康不平等。各国努力朝着实现千年发展目标4和5努力取得成功的关键在于政治承诺,要在整个护理 9 范围内实现普遍获得服务并采取具体措施(例如,实施统一的 10,11 巴西是拉丁美洲经济最发达的国家,而且历来以健康和财富不平等为特征的国家在改善孕产妇,新生儿和儿童健康方面取得了长足进步。在2005年,由于其绝对的儿童死亡人数很高,巴西在实现所有千年发展目标的2015年截止日期倒计时中被列入60个优先国家(即,占所有儿童死亡率的94%的国家)。 12 然而,最新估计显示,巴西正朝着实现千年发展目标4迈进,并且在增加与千年发展目标5相关的干预措施的覆盖率方面取得了良好进展。 13 另外,巴西在中低收入国家/地区,因为它于1988年引入了基于税收的统一医疗服务,该服务为所有巴西公民提供免费和全面的医疗服务,无论其就业状况或对社会保障的贡献如何。巴西有1个联邦区(巴西利亚)和26个州(为简单起见,我们将其称为27个州)划分为5个区域:北,东北,东南,南部和中西部。东南和南部地区最发达。北部和东北地区最贫穷。北部地区以亚马逊地区为主,是最大的地区,占陆地面积的45.2%,但仅占人口的8.1%。中西部地区面积第二大,但人口仅占该国人口的7.1%。大部分人口集中在东南部(42%),该国另外14.5%的居民居住在南部,那里属于亚热带气候。东北地区人口接近5400万,占该国人口的28.2%。 14 我们的目标是调查1990年至2007年巴西孕产妇,新生儿,婴儿和儿童的死亡率趋势并根据卫生部门改革,实行扶贫政策和计划以及广泛的社会经济和人口变化来解释这些趋势。为了确定这些死亡率指数中的不平等是否以及如何发生变化,我们研究了财富五分位和不同地区儿童和婴儿死亡率的趋势。我们还记录了全国婴儿死亡原因分布的变化



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