首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Translational Research >Postnatal donor lymphocytes enhance prenatally-created chimerism at the risk of graft-versus-host disease

Postnatal donor lymphocytes enhance prenatally-created chimerism at the risk of graft-versus-host disease




The major barrier to clinical application of in utero hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is insufficient chimerism for phenotypic correction of target diseases or induction of graft tolerance. Postnatal donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) may enhance donor cell levels so as to further facilitate tolerance induction. We created murine mixed chimeras in utero. Chimeras with <10% donor cells were subjected to postnatal DLI to evaluate the effects of DLI on chimerism augmentation and skin tolerance induction. Within one day after DLI, recipients experienced a transient peaking of donor chimerism, which could be as high as 20~40%. However, the transient chimerism peaking didn’t benefit donor skin survivals despite immediate skin placement after DLI. In case of fruitful DLI, chimerism augmentation was usually observed after a latent period of 2~4 weeks. Otherwise, chimerism would return to around pre-DLI levels by days 7~14. Peripheral chimerism of >3% could be consistently boosted up to >10%, whereas chimerism of <0.2% hardly showed any significant enhancement. As for chimerism levels of 0.2~3%, chimerism augmentation up to >10% succeeded in 3(15%) of 20 recipients. Notably, chimerism augmentation by postnatal DLI was often associated with unexpected death or graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). In conclusion, transient chimerism augmentation by DLI played no role in facilitating graft tolerance. Substantial augmentation by DLI demanded a threshold chimerism level and posed a serious risk of GVHD to the recipients. It raised the concern about using postnatal DLI to broaden therapeutic horizons of in utero hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
机译:子宫内造血干细胞移植临床应用的主要障碍是嵌合体不足以用于靶标疾病的表型校正或诱导移植耐受。产后供体淋巴细胞输注(DLI)可能会提高供体细胞水平,从而进一步促进耐受性诱导。我们在子宫内制作了鼠类混合嵌合体。供体细胞<10%的嵌合体接受出生后DLI评估,以评估DLI对嵌合体增强和皮肤耐受性诱导的影响。 DLI后的一天之内,受体经历了供体嵌合的短暂峰值,可能高达20%至40%。然而,尽管DLI后立即放置皮肤,但短暂的嵌合现象并未使供体的皮肤存活。如果DLI卓有成效,通常会在潜伏期2到4周后观察到嵌合现象的增强。否则,嵌合现象将在7-14天之前回到DLI之前的水平。 > 3%的外围嵌合体可以持续提高到> 10%,而<0.2%的嵌合体几乎没有显示出任何明显的增强。至于嵌合体水平为0.2%〜3%,在20位接受者中,有3位(15%)成功地将嵌合体增强至> 10%。值得注意的是,出生后DLI引起的嵌合现象增强通常与意料之外的死亡或移植物抗宿主病(GVHD)相关。总之,通过DLI进行瞬时嵌合体增强在促进移植物耐受性方面没有作用。 DLI的大量增强要求最低的嵌合水平,并给接受者带来严重的GVHD风险。它引起了关于使用产后DLI扩大子宫内造血干细胞移植治疗视野的关注。



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