首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Health Research >Study on Intestinal Helminth Parasites in School Children of Rangeli Municipality of Morang District in Eastern Nepal

Study on Intestinal Helminth Parasites in School Children of Rangeli Municipality of Morang District in Eastern Nepal




This study was accomplished on school children with the objective to define the prevalence of intestinal helminth parasites. A total of 3000 of stool samples were randomly collected from children of five schools in Rangeli municipality and were examined by a routine by saline and smear techniques. 83.3% stool samples were infected with helminth parasites. The prevalence rate of intestinal parasites was Ascaris lumbricoides (50.92%); Ancylostoma duodenale (44.56%); Trichuris trichiura (1.96%); Enterobius vermicularis (1.44%); Hymenolepis nana (1.12%). The lack of safe drinking water, food, poverty, unhygienic practices and poor environmental condition were found to be contributing factors in the maintenance of high prevalence rate of intestinal parasites infections. Parasites control programs with hygienic practice and improvement of environmental conditions along with the treatment of infected peoples may be helpful in reducing the burden of helminth intestinal parasites in children. Hygienic conditions benefit people at personal and community level and, ultimately contributes to promoting the health status of people.
机译:这项研究是针对小学生完成的,目的是确定肠道蠕虫寄生虫的患病率。从兰格里市的五所学校的儿童中随机收集了总共3000份粪便样本,并通过常规的盐水和涂片技术进行了检查。 83.3%的粪便样本感染了蠕虫寄生虫。肠道寄生虫的患病率是A虫(Ascaris lumbricoides)(50.92%);十二指肠瘤(44.56%); Trichuris trichiura(1.96%);肠球菌(1.44%);膜蛙(1.12%)。人们发现缺乏安全的饮用水,食物,贫穷,不卫生的作法和恶劣的环境条件是维持高水平肠道寄生虫感染率的因素。通过卫生实践和改善环境条件以及治疗感染人群的寄生虫控制计划,可能有助于减轻儿童蠕虫肠道寄生虫的负担。卫生条件有益于个人和社区,并最终有助于改善人们的健康状况。



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