首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Case Reports >A Case of Pregnancy Complicated by Primary Hyperparathyroidism Due to a Parathyroid Adenoma

A Case of Pregnancy Complicated by Primary Hyperparathyroidism Due to a Parathyroid Adenoma




Patient: Female, 28 Final Diagnosis: Primary hyperparathyroidism Symptoms: Clavate swelling of the tubular bones ? deformation of ribs and pelvic bones ? duck gait ? gait disturbance ? general weakness ? joint restrictions ? keeled thorax ? lameness ? muscle weakness ? pain in the bones and joints ? rachiocampsis Medication: — Clinical Procedure: C-section in the lower uterine segment by transverse incision ? a thoracoscopic removal of ectopic formation of the parathyroid gland Specialty: Obstetrics and Gynecology Objective: Rare co-existance of disease or pathology Background: Primary hyperparathyroidism is most common in women during the menopause and its occurrence in pregnant women is rare. However, because neonatal mortality is associated with maternal hyperparathyroidism, early diagnosis is essential. This report describes the case of a late diagnosis of primary hyperparathyroidism in a 28-year-old pregnant woman and describes the effects on the mother and neonate. Case Report: During her second pregnancy, a 28-year-old woman presented with symptoms of general weakness, bone and joint pain, multiple fractures with bone deformity, muscle weakness, and gait disturbance. Due to the high risk of perinatal pathology, a cesarean section was performed. Several weeks later, she underwent thoracoscopic removal of an ectopic parathyroid gland located at the aortic arch. Hypocalcemia in the newborn infant required treatment with calcium and magnesium supplements. Conclusions: This case demonstrates that primary hyperparathyroidism during pregnancy requires timely diagnosis and treatment to reduce potential maternal and fetal complications. Screening for primary hyperparathyroidism should be undertaken in pregnant women with any symptoms associated with hypercalcemia. Treatment should be individualized and includes conservative management, parathyroidectomy in the second trimester, or parathyroidectomy performed in the early postpartum period.
机译:患者:女,28岁最终诊断:原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进症症状:肾小管的棒状肿胀?肋骨和骨盆骨变形?鸭步态?步态障碍?全身无力?联合限制?隆胸吗?子?肌肉无力 ?骨头和关节疼痛?毛状海马病药物治疗:—临床步骤:通过横向切口在子宫下段进行C形切片?胸腔镜下清除甲状旁腺异位形成的专长:妇产科目的:罕见的疾病或病理共存背景:原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进症在绝经期妇女中最常见,在孕妇中很少见。但是,由于新生儿死亡率与产妇甲状旁腺功能亢进有关,因此早期诊断至关重要。该报告描述了一名28岁孕妇原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进症的晚期诊断病例,并描述了其对母亲和新生儿的影响。病例报告:在她的第二次怀孕期间,一名28岁的女性表现出全身无力,骨骼和关节疼痛,多处骨折并伴有骨畸形,肌肉无力和步态障碍的症状。由于围产期病理的高风险,进行了剖宫产。几周后,她在胸腔镜下切除了位于主动脉弓的异位甲状旁腺。新生儿低钙血症需要用钙和镁补充剂治疗。结论:该病例表明,妊娠期间原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进症需要及时诊断和治疗,以减少潜在的母婴并发症。对于有高钙血症相关症状的孕妇,应进行原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进的筛查。治疗应因人而异,包括保守治疗,中期妊娠甲状旁腺切除术或产后早期进行甲状旁腺切除术。



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