首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine >Preliminary Case Reports of Dietary Supplementation from Cameroonian Traditional Food Plants for potential management of Immunodeficiency and Hemorrhagic Syndromes

Preliminary Case Reports of Dietary Supplementation from Cameroonian Traditional Food Plants for potential management of Immunodeficiency and Hemorrhagic Syndromes




This is a preliminary case reports of the healing potential of Cameroonian traditional foods used since time immemorial and now used to enhance the immune systems of patients of HIV patients with lessons that can be applied in the clinical management of Ebola hemorrhagic fevers. Dietary supplements was made from 0.9% salt and aqueous extracts of Flammiluna spp, Termytomyes titanicus and Pleurotus ostreatus. These macrofungi have been used in African traditional medicine and traditional diets for the management of HIV/AIDS and its accompanying opportunistic infections amongst tribes in north west Cameroon. The study indicated that the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in North West region of Cameroon is increasing with girls and women having the highest rate of infection (60%) with increasing shortage of antiretroviral drugs especially in the rural areas of that region. Approximately, 95% of patients encountered in this study even when receiving antiretroviral drugs still depend on Traditional medicines. More than 98% of patients in the rural areas who are seropositive but with a CD4 counts of more than 400 cells/ml sustain their lives on African nutritional supplements and traditional medicines. Phytobiotechnology Research laboratories documented 23 mushroom species belonging to 23 families used in various therapeutic preparation for the management of HIV/AIDS in rural North west region of Cameroon. From this Flammiluna, Termitomyces and pleurotus were selected as they are frequently used and available. They were extracted and used in combination in the management of HIV/AIDS patients at the Phytobiotechnology Research Clinic. From 1000 patients who consented through an ethical clearance process to follow the intervention, 600 were already receiving antiretroviral drugs from the regional hospital, while on this supplements an increase of CD4 counts (Facs count method, Beckton Dickenson) by 85% was observed with a 94% decrease in Viral loads (Viral load machine, ABI Prism 7300, Biocentric method applied). For the 400 patients who were not qualify to receive ART, a 95% increase in CD4 counts and 95% decrease in Viral loads were recorded. In all study groups, an 80% increase in body weight, clearance of frequent fevers, dysentery and diarrhea symptoms ceased. Haematological analyses indicated 70% in White blood cell counts with a balance neutrophils and lymphocyte counts. Conclusions from this studies stresses the potentials of medicinal food supplementation in the effective management of HIV/AIDS with potential application to other viral diseases such as Ebola hemorrhagic fevers in Africa.
机译:这是关于喀麦隆传统食品自远古时代以来就具有治愈潜力的初步案例报告,现在已用于增强HIV患者的免疫系统,其经验教训可用于埃博拉出血热的临床管理。膳食补充剂由0.9%的盐和Flammiluna spp,Termmytomyes titanicus和Pleurotus ostreatus的水提取物制成。这些大型真菌已用于非洲传统医学和传统饮食中,用于管理喀麦隆西北部各部落的艾滋病毒/艾滋病及其伴随的机会性感染。研究表明,喀麦隆西北地区的艾滋病毒/艾滋病患病率呈上升趋势,其中女孩和妇女的感染率最高(60%),而抗逆转录病毒药物的短缺日益增加,特别是在该地区的农村地区。大约有95%的患者在接受抗逆转录病毒药物治疗的情况下仍依赖传统药物治疗。农村地区血清反应阳性但CD4计数超过400细胞/ ml的患者中,有98%以上依靠非洲营养补品和传统药物维持生命。植物生物技术研究实验室记录了喀麦隆西北农村地区用于23种蘑菇的23种蘑菇,这些蘑菇被用于治疗HIV / AIDS的各种治疗准备工作。从金针菇中选择了Termmitomyces和pleurotus,因为它们经常使用和可获得。在植物生物技术研究诊所,将它们提取并结合用于艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者的治疗。从1000名同意通过道德清除程序进行干预的患者中,已有600名已经从地区医院接受了抗逆转录病毒药物,而在此补充剂上,观察到CD4计数(Facs计数法,Beckton Dickenson)增加了85%。病毒载量降低了94%(病毒载机,ABI Prism 7300,采用了生物中心法)。对于没有资格接受抗逆转录病毒治疗的400名患者,记录的CD4计数增加了95%,病毒载量减少了95%。在所有研究组中,体重增加80%,发烧,痢疾和腹泻症状的清除都停止了。血液学分析表明白细胞计数占70%,中性粒细胞和淋巴细胞计数平衡。这项研究的结论强调了在有效控制HIV / AIDS中补充药用食品的潜力,并将其潜在地应用于非洲等埃博拉出血热等其他病毒性疾病。



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