首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Applied Psychology >Etiology of Juvenile Criminality in Kinshasa Said Kuluna Phenomenon

Etiology of Juvenile Criminality in Kinshasa Said Kuluna Phenomenon




Background: The kuluna phenomenon is a shape of juvenile delinquency which continues and terrorizes the City of Kinshasa, the main characteristics of which are violence, theft, and sometimes rape in teenagers' band. Objective: this study aims at describing the opinions moved forward by the students of the ISP/Gombe as the causes of the juvenile criminality in Kinshasa. Results: it emerges from our investigations that the questioned students consider several causes of the kuluna, the lack of occupation of which is in pole position (28,81 %), followed by the bad education (24,58 %), the poverty (13,56 %), the not schooling of the children (12,71 %) as well as bad influence (11,86 %); while the absence of the parents (3,39 %), the demonic ownership as well as the bad governance (1,69 %) close the list. Conclusion: We should attack thus not only the behavior young deviants of kuluna, but olso resolve the problem of the causes and multi-form or multisectorial factors. And Psychologist must be associated on the questions of kuluna behavior's, as researcher, psycho-educational therapist, expert, assessor, trainer or informant.
机译:背景:“库鲁纳”现象是少年犯罪的一种形式,这种现象持续存在并威胁着金沙萨市,其主要特征是暴力,盗窃以及青少年乐队的强奸。目的:本研究旨在描述ISP / Gombe学生提出的观点是金沙萨少年犯罪的起因。结果:从我们的调查中可以看出,被调查的学生考虑了造成古兰纳犬的几种原因,其中缺乏职业的原因是最主要的(28.81%),其次是不良教育(24.58%),贫穷( 13.56%),未受教育的孩子(12.71%)以及不良影响(11.86%);而没有父母(3.39%),恶魔般的所有权和不良的治理(1.69%)则排在榜首。结论:我们不仅应攻击库鲁纳族的年轻行为,而且还应解决造成原因以及多形式或多部门因素的问题。心理学家必须作为研究者,心理教育治疗师,专家,评估者,培训者或告密者,参与有关古鲁纳人行为的问题。



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