首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Physics Theories and Applications >Energy – Momentum of the Armenian Special Relativity Theory

Energy – Momentum of the Armenian Special Relativity Theory




In this paper, the energy and momentum of the Armenians Special Relativity Theory (ASRT) and Special Relativity Theory (SRT) are obtained and their comparison is also carried out. SRT through the Muhelson-Morlay experiment proved that aether does not exist in space, but ASRT reincarnates the aether as a universal reference medium. The mathematical existence of aether has already been proven. In his work, by comparing energy and momentum of both SRT and ASRT, the results obtained indicate that difference is in the time-space or subatomic aether medium which is represented by space coefficient and geometrical space . The theory brings together followers of absolute aether theory, relativistic aether theory and the dark matter theory. The energy and momentum in SRT can be deduced from ASRT by substituting and . This implies that, SRT is a limiting case of ASRT.
机译:本文获得了亚美尼亚狭义相对论(ASRT)和狭义相对论(SRT)的能量和动量,并进行了比较。通过Muhelson-Morlay实验进行的SRT证明,以太不存在于太空中,但是ASRT将其重新定义为通用参考介质。以太的数学存在已经被证明。在他的工作中,通过比较SRT和ASRT的能量和动量,获得的结果表明,时空或亚原子醚介质存在差异,用空间系数和几何空间表示。该理论汇集了绝对以太理论,相对论性以太理论和暗物质理论的追随者。 SRT的能量和动量可以通过代入和来从ASRT中推导。这意味着,SRT是ASRT的一种限制情况。



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