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Extensions of the Constructivist Real Number System




The paper reviews the most consequential defects and rectification of traditional mathematics and its foundations. While this work is only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, it gives us a totally different picture of mathematics from what we have known for a long time. This journey started with two teasers posted in SciMath in 1997: 1) The equation 1 = 0.99… does not make sense. 2) The concept ?does not exist. The first statement sparked a debate that raged over a decade. Both statements generated a series of publications that continue s to grow to this day. Among the new findings are: 3) There does not exist nondenumerable set. 4) There does not exist non-measurable set. 5) Cantor’s diagonal method is flawed. 6) The real numbers are discrete and countable. 7) Formal logic does not apply to mathematics. The unfinished debate between logicism, intuitionism-constructivism and formalism is resolved. The resolution is the constructivist foundations of mathematics with a summary of all the rectification undertaken in 2015, 2016 and in this paper. The extensions of the constructivist real number system include the complex vector plane and transcendental functions. Two important results in the 2015 are noted: The solution and resolution of Hilbert’s 23 problems that include s the resolution of Fermat’s last theorem and proof Goldbach’s conjecture.
机译:本文回顾了传统数学最严重的缺陷和纠正及其基础。虽然这只是冰山一角,但可以说,它为我们提供了与我们长期以来所知完全不同的数学图景。此旅程始于1997年在SciMath中发布的两个预告片:1)等式1 = 0.99…没有意义。 2)概念?不存在。第一个声明引发了长达十年的辩论。两种说法都产生了一系列出版物,并且一直持续到今天。新发现包括:3)不存在不可数集。 4)不存在不可测量的集合。 5)Cantor的对角线方法有缺陷。 6)实数是离散的并且是可数的。 7)形式逻辑不适用于数学。逻辑主义,直觉主义-建构主义和形式主义之间未完成的辩论得以解决。该决议是数学的建构主义基础,总结了2015年,2016年和本文进行的所有纠正。建构主义实数系统的扩展包括复数向量平面和超越函数。在2015年,我们注意到了两个重要结果:希尔伯特(Hilbert)的23个问题的解决方案和解决方案,其中包括解决费马特最后一个定理和证明哥德巴赫猜想。



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