首页> 外文期刊>Agrivita: journal of agricultural science >Development of Acid-Soil Tolerant Corn (Zea mays L.) with High-Quality Protein

Development of Acid-Soil Tolerant Corn (Zea mays L.) with High-Quality Protein

机译:优质蛋白耐酸耐性玉米(Zea mays L.)的开发



Corn is an important food crop in Indonesia. Plant expansion has been hampered by soilacidity problem and the protein content of many corn varieties was low. This research initiates development of soil-acid-tolerant corn with highquality- protein content. Research was done on 12 factorial treatments and 3 replications as blocks in RCBD. The first factor was corn populations: Toray-1(G1), Toray-2(G2), GS- 5(G3) and GS-10(G4). The second factor was fertilizations: P1(69 kg N+36 kg P2O5+15 kg K2O per ha)); P2(115 kg N+54 kg P2O5+30 kg K2O per ha); and P3(161 kg N+72 kg P2O5+45 kg K2O per ha). The observed variables consisted of several agronomic traits, including the protein content. Results indicated that the corn populations, in general, showed good agronomic traits. The differences were mostly between populations, not between fertilizations, and no interaction was observed. The yield potential ranged from 4.25 to 6.47 ton dry seeds per ha. The protein content of seed resulted from cross ranged from 9.84% to 11.30%, as compared to the parents of 9.11% and 12.62%. This research concludes that genetic factors play an important role as confirmed by heritability estimate (h2)=0.75. Keywords : Corn, protein, acid-soil, tolerance
机译:玉米是印度尼西亚的重要粮食作物。土壤酸度问题阻碍了植物的生长,许多玉米品种的蛋白质含量低。这项研究启动了具有高蛋白质含量的土壤耐酸玉米的开发。对RCBD中的12种阶乘治疗和3个重复作为块进行了研究。第一个因素是玉米种群:Toray-1(G1),Toray-2(G2),GS-5(G3)和GS-10(G4)。第二个因素是施肥:P1(每公顷69 kg N + 36 kg P2O5 + 15 kg K2O)); P2(每公顷115公斤N + 54公斤P2O5 + 30公斤K2O);和P3(每公顷161千克N + 72千克P2O5 + 45千克K2O)。观察到的变量由几种农艺性状组成,包括蛋白质含量。结果表明,总体而言,玉米种群表现出良好的农艺性状。差异主要在种群之间,而不是在施肥之间,并且未观察到相互作用。潜在产量为每公顷4.25至6.47吨干种子。杂交产生的种子蛋白质含量为9.84%至11.30%,而亲本为9.11%和12.62%。这项研究得出的结论是,遗传因素起着重要作用,遗传估计(h2)= 0.75证实了这一点。关键词:玉米,蛋白质,酸土,耐性



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