首页> 外文期刊>Agroalimentaria >La viabilidad de la Agroindustria Rural (AIR). El caso de las AIR de la Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, México

La viabilidad de la Agroindustria Rural (AIR). El caso de las AIR de la Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, México




Following the trade liberalization processes in Latin America, some researchers have questioned the capability of Rural Agro-industries (AIR, by their abbreviation in Spanish) to generate an income level that assures wellbeing to the rural population. However, others believe that the AIR has characteristics that can enhance a dynamic process of local development. Among these, it can be mentioned: small size; capacity of rapid response and flexibility; access to specific market niches; relationship to the land; communitary and identitary embeddedness; and its ability to concentrate spatially. This article presents some lessons learned from a series of workshops on basic business management notions for the members of 16 small businesses that were developed by the consortium IICA-CIRAD-CATIE, under the frame of the Sustainable and Integrated Social Development Project for the Lacandona Jungle (PRODESIS, by its abbreviation in Spanish). The Lacandona is one of the most isolated, marginalized, and poor regions in the country. The estimations performed during the workshops showed high rates of return (i.e. between 30% and 100%) for some of these small businesses. The results show that the AIR’s could be feasible and sustainable, even in harsh conditions as those of the Lacandona. These results became a motivating factor for group consolidation and development. Additionally, the analysis performed allowed us to ascertain that for many projects in the Lacandona, the largest difficulties did not come from AIR lack of profitability, but from the unfavorable environment (i.e., basic ser vices and infrastructure), organizational weakness and a low level of group member’s capabilities.
机译:在拉丁美洲的贸易自由化进程之后,一些研究人员质疑农村农产品加工业(AIR,西班牙语为缩写)产生收入水平以确保农村人口福祉的能力。但是,其他人则认为,AIR具有可以增强本地发展的动态过程的特征。其中,可以提及的是:小尺寸;快速反应和灵活性的能力;进入特定的市场壁ni;与土地的关系;共同和认同的嵌入;及其在空间上集中的能力。本文介绍了由IICA-CIRAD-CATIE财团在Lacandona Jungle可持续与综合社会发展项目框架下为16家小型企业的成员举办的一系列有关基本企业管理概念的研讨会的经验教训。 (PRODESIS,用西班牙语缩写)。拉坎多纳(Lacandona)是该国最偏远,边缘化和贫穷的地区之一。研讨会期间进行的估算表明,其中一些小型企业的回报率很高(即30%至100%之间)。结果表明,即使在像拉坎多纳那样的恶劣条件下,AIR也是可行和可持续的。这些结果成为集团合并和发展的动力。此外,进行的分析使我们可以确定,对于Lacandona的许多项目,最大的困难不是来自AIR缺乏盈利能力,而是来自不利的环境(即基本服务和基础架构),组织薄弱和水平低下组成员的能力。



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