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Baseline survey on factors affecting sorghum production and use in eastern Kenya




Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is an under-utilized crop and one of the most important cereal crops in semi-arid tropics. In Kenya, sorghum is grown in the often drought-prone marginal agricultural areas of Eastern, Nyanza and Coast Provinces. Due to its C4 photosynthetic nature, extensive root system, waxy leaves and ability to stop growth in periods of drought the crop is well adapted to low lands that have higher temperatures, prone to drought and flooding. Sorghum, which is closely related to maize in utilization, therefore, could be an alternative staple food crop in arid areas prone to drought. As an indigenous Kenyan crop, sorghum could provide food security and become a suitable alternative in eastern Kenya. Despite its suitability in the semiarid areas, the area under sorghum production is still low and farmers attain low yields in eastern Kenya. Most farmers still opt to grow maize which is frequented by cropfailures. The purpose of this study was to gather information on socio-economic factors affecting sorghum production and the sorghum farming system used by the farmers in the region, landraces grown by farmers, source of seed, traits preference, maturity period, cultural practices, pre and post harvest handling, utilization and constraints in sorghum production in lower eastern Kenya region. The study was conducted in Mbeere, Kitui, Makueni and Mutomo districts of eastern Kenya.Parameters studied were expressed as percentages and bar graphs constructed. Analysis of Variance was performed, and Least Significant Differences were used for separation of means at 0.05 level of confidence. Sorghum is grown widely as source of food and seed for planting is obtained from informal systems. Farmers hardly use inputs due to low income. Eastern region is a high agricultural area and productivitycould be improved by use of locally available germplasm. The study found out that farmers in eastern Kenya maintain a diversity of sorghum landraces unique in their adaptation, food quality, grain yield, quality of harvested products and biotic stress resistance. Sorghum grain has high levels of iron and zinc, hence may be used to reduce micronutrient malnutrition. However, the production is low due to constraints such as lack of income to purchase fertilizer and chemicals, inadequate quality seed, susceptibility to pests and diseases resulting to low yields. Key words : food security, seed quality, sorghum
机译:高粱(Sorghum bicolor(L.)Moench)是一种利用不足的作物,是半干旱热带地区最重要的谷物作物之一。在肯尼亚,东部,尼亚良萨和沿海省份经常干旱的边缘农业地区种植高粱。由于其C4的光合作用特性,广泛的根系,蜡质的叶子以及在干旱时期能够停止生长的能力,因此该农作物非常适合于温度较高,容易干旱和泛滥的低地。因此,高粱与玉米的利用密切相关,在干旱多发的干旱地区,高粱可以作为替代主食。高粱作为肯尼亚的本土作物,可以提供粮食安全,并成为肯尼亚东部的合适替代品。尽管它适合在半干旱地区使用,但高粱产区仍然很低,肯尼亚东部的农民单产低。大多数农民仍然选择种植玉米,这种玉米经常因农作物歉收而流行。这项研究的目的是收集有关影响该地区农民使用的高粱生产和高粱耕作制度的社会经济因素的信息,农民种植的地方品种,种子的来源,性状偏好,成熟期,文化习俗,前期和后期。肯尼亚东部东部地区收获后的处理,利用和高粱生产的限制。这项研究是在肯尼亚东部的Mbeere,Kitui,Makueni和Mutomo地区进行的,研究的参数以百分比和条形图表示。进行方差分析,并使用最小显着差异以0.05的置信水平分离均值。高粱作为一种食物来源广泛种植,而种子则是通过非正式系统获得的。由于收入低,农民几乎不使用投入物。东部地区是农业高产区,可以通过使用当地可获得的种质提高生产率。该研究发现,肯尼亚东部的农民在其适应性,食品质量,谷物产量,收获产品的质量和抗生物胁迫性方面保持着独特的高粱地方品种。高粱谷物中的铁和锌含量很高,因此可用于减少微量营养素营养不良。但是,由于诸如缺乏购买肥料和化学药品的收入,种子质量不足,对病虫害的易感性导致产量低等限制因素,产量低下。关键词:粮食安全种子质量高粱



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