首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology >Factors affecting medical waste management in low-level health facilities in Tanzania

Factors affecting medical waste management in low-level health facilities in Tanzania




A study on evaluation of medical waste management systems was conducted in the low-level health facilities (LLHFs) in Dar es Salaam by comparing Ilala and Kinondoni municipalities. Questionnaires, interviews, visits and observation were used in data collection. The study has revealed that; most of the facilities have no specific disposal sites. In Ilala, 70% of the health facilities burn wastes in poorly designed incinerators, open pit burning or on the ground while in Kinondoni, 83% of the facilities bury wastes in the pits. More than 50% of the disposal sites surveyed are not fenced and were in close proximity to human settlements. About 60 and 70% of incinerators in the surveyed facilities in Ilala and Kinondoni municipalities, respectively, are not in good working conditions, 50% of them being of low capacity with some parts missing, e.g., chimneys, ash pits, covers for waste loading and ash removing doors. Also, 9 and 47% of the healthcare facilities in Ilala and Kinondoni, respectively, do not have the Standard Operating Procedures. Medical waste transportation is a serious problem, as 71% of the facilities in Kinondoni carry the wastes on hands to the disposal sites while in Ilala, 40% of LLHFs use wheelbarrows. Waste segregation and colour coding are poorly adhered to while most of the storage areas are too small. It was concluded that, the medical waste management in LLHFs is still poor. Awareness should be raised among LLHFs workers on proper management of the medical wastes.
机译:通过比较伊拉拉镇和基诺多尼市,在达累斯萨拉姆的低级卫生设施(LLHF)中进行了医疗废物管理系统评估的研究。在数据收集中使用问卷,访谈,访问和观察。研究表明:大多数设施没有特定的处置场所。在伊拉拉(Ilala),有70%的卫生设施在设计不当的焚化炉,露天焚烧或在地面上燃烧废物,而在Kinondoni,则有83%的卫生设施将废物埋在坑中。接受调查的处置场所中有50%以上没有围栏,并且紧邻人类住区。被调查的伊拉拉和基南多尼市的设施中分别有大约60%和70%的焚化炉工作条件不佳,其中50%的焚烧炉容量低,缺少一些部件,例如烟囱,烟灰坑,垃圾掩埋场和除灰门。另外,伊拉拉和基嫩多尼的医疗机构分别有9%和47%没有标准操作程序。医疗废物运输是一个严重的问题,因为Kinondoni中71%的设施会将手头的废物运到处置场所,而在Ilala中,有40%的LLHF使用手推车。垃圾分类和颜色编码的依从性差,而大多数存储区域太小。结论是,LLHFs的医疗废物管理仍然很差。 LLHF工人应提高对医疗废物管理的意识。



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