首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Business Management >Financial stability of Islamic banking in Pakistan: An empirical study

Financial stability of Islamic banking in Pakistan: An empirical study




The relative financial strength of Islamic banks was assessed empirically based on evidence covering individual Islamic and conventional banks in Pakistani banking system with a substantial presence of Islamic banking. Industry specific, bank specific, country specific and macro-economic variables were pooled for pair-wise and regression analysis. We found that (i) small Islamic banks tend to be financially stronger than small conventional banks; (ii) large conventional banks tend to be financially stronger than large Islamic banks; (iii) small Islamic banks tend to be financially stronger than large Islamic banks, which may reflect challenges of credit risk management in large Islamic banks; and (iv) the market share of Islamic banks had a significant impact on the financial strength of other banks.
机译:伊斯兰银行的相对财务实力是根据涵盖巴基斯坦银行系统中大量伊斯兰银行业务的个别伊斯兰银行和常规银行的证据进行经验评估的。汇总行业特定,银行特定,国家特定和宏观经济变量,以进行成对和回归分析。我们发现(i)伊斯兰的小型银行在财务上往往比传统的小型银行要强大; (ii)大型常规银行在财务上往往比大型伊斯兰银行要强大; (iii)小型伊斯兰银行在财务上往往比大型伊斯兰银行要强大,这可能反映了大型伊斯兰银行在信用风险管理方面的挑战; (iv)回教银行的市场份额对其他银行的财务实力产生了重大影响。



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