首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Biotechnology >Biomonitoring of particulate matter by magnetic properties of Ulmus carpinifolia leaves

Biomonitoring of particulate matter by magnetic properties of Ulmus carpinifolia leaves




Biomonitoring of the particulate matter (PM) helps us to find out quantity and quality of vegetation in different parts of the city and create sustainable urban landscape. This study explains the results of an air pollution biomonitoring in Isfahan (Iran) with regards to the magnetic properties of tree leaves of Elm (Ulmus carpinifolia). Isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM300?mT) of?U. carpinifolia?leaves was determined. Data collection apparatus?was?a magnetometer. Four stations in different areas of green space, including, one park, one square, one street and one control station were determined and the tree leaves of?U. carpinifolia?from two meter height were collected. Ten leaves from each tree were separated and ten repetitions were achieved for each station. Leaves were placed in a special box to measure magnetic field with magnetometer. Comparison of magnetic properties of Elm tree leaves before and after washing was done. Magnetic properties showed that high concentrations were seen in trees found in squares and streets. Also, rainfall and washing decreased the magnetic properties of the leaves.



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