首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Biotechnology >Milk-clotting potential of fruit extracts from Solanum esculentum, Solanum macrocarpon L. and Solanum melongena

Milk-clotting potential of fruit extracts from Solanum esculentum, Solanum macrocarpon L. and Solanum melongena




Fruit extracts from?Solanum esculentum,?Solanum macrocarpon?L. and?Solanum melongena?were tested for their milk-clotting potential. The release of substances associated with milk-clotting was highly dependent upon quantity of berries, extraction duration and sodium chloride concentration. The highest milk-clotting activity was obtained after 8 h (for?S. esculentum?and?S. melongena), and 12 h (forS. macrocarpon) of soaking 20 g of fruit in 6% NaCl 4°C. In these conditions, there was a non linear relationship between the milk-clotting time and the amount of fruit extracts from each species. The loss of milk-clotting activity was dramatic after wet-heating of extracts from?S. esculentum?and?S. macrocarpon?at 80°C for 10 min and after dry-heating of fruits at 100°C for 24 h. Heat treatment did not significantly affect the clotting activity of extract from?S. melongena. Fruit extracts from?S. esculentum?had the greatest milk-clotting activity followed by extracts from?S. macrocarpon?and?S. melongena. Extracts from?S. esculentum?and?S. macrocarponexhibited a proteolytic activity on the casein.
机译:番茄,茄子大果的果实提取物。对“ Solanum melongena”和“ Solanum melongena”的凝结潜力进行了测试。与牛奶凝结有关的物质的释放高度取决于浆果的数量,提取时间和氯化钠浓度。将20 g水果在6%NaCl 4°C中浸泡8小时(对于s。esculentum和melongena)和12 h(对于S. macrocarpon),可获得最高的凝乳活性。在这些条件下,凝乳时间与每种物种的水果提取物量之间存在非线性关系。湿加热?S提取物后,牛奶凝结活性的损失显着。 esculentum和?将大果在80°C加热10分钟,然后将水果在100°C干燥24小时。热处理并未显着影响?S提取物的凝结活性。梅隆格纳。水果提取物? esculentum?的凝乳活性最大,其次是?S的提取物。巨果和?梅隆格纳。提取物? esculentum和?大果酮抑制了酪蛋白的蛋白水解活性。



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