首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Biotechnology >Effect of sewage sludge and synthetic fertilizer on pH, available N and P in pasture soils in semi-arid area, Turkey

Effect of sewage sludge and synthetic fertilizer on pH, available N and P in pasture soils in semi-arid area, Turkey




Activated sewage sludge from the aerobically-digested treatment and synthetic fertilizer were used to determine total N, available P and pH in different soil depth of pasture in semi arid ecological condition, in Van, Turkey. The study was carried out in a completely randomized block. Four treatment of sewage sludge, one treatment of synthetic fertilizer and no treatment as a control were used in two consecutive years. Soil samples were collected from surface soil (0 to 20 cm) and subsoil (20 to 40 cm) 11 months after SS (sewage sludge) and TSP (triple super phosphate) application and 7 months after AN application for both years. By using sewage sludge and synthetic fertilizers treatments, surface and subsoil pH decreased. The decreases of pH in SF and control plots in both soil depths in 2008 were attributed to root biomass. Although, sewage sludge contains less amount of nitrogen than synthetic fertilizer does, it enabled nitrogen detection in both soil depths for a longer time and in a higher amount. While an increase in the amount of nitrogen in surface soil and subsoil was determined in 2007, a decrease in these was determined in 2008 in both depths. Amount of subsoil available phosphorus increased more by sewage sludge applications. However, amount of surface soil available phosphorus increased more by sewage sludge applications in 2007, while it increased more by synthetic fertilizer application in 2008. The lowest pH value, highest amounts of total N and available P was obtained by higher doses of sewage sludge. However, when long time applications and mineralization process were considered, sewage sludge’s dose of 2.5 ton/ha-1?ya-1?can be said to provide more beneficial results than the synthetic fertilization’s highest dose which is suggested for pastures and meadows.
机译:需氧消化处理后的活性污泥和合成肥料被用于测定半干旱生态条件下土耳其范城牧场不同土壤深度的总氮,有效磷和pH。该研究在完全随机的区组中进行。连续两年使用了污水污泥的四种处理方法,一种合成肥料的处理方法以及没有任何处理方法作为对照。在SS(污水污泥)和TSP(三重过磷酸盐)施用后11个月,以及AN施用后7个月,均从表层土壤(0至20 cm)和地下土壤(20至40 cm)中收集土壤样品。通过使用污水污泥和合成肥料处理,地表和底土的pH值降低。 2008年两种土壤深度的SF和对照样地的pH值下降均归因于根生物量。尽管污水污泥中的氮含量比合成肥料少,但它可以在更长的时间内和更高的土壤深度对氮进行检测。虽然在2007年确定了表层土壤和地下土壤中氮的含量增加,但在2008年两个深度上都确定了氮含量的减少。污水污泥的施用增加了地下土壤有效磷的含量。然而,2007年施用污泥增加了表层土壤有效磷,而2008年施用合成肥料增加了更多的磷。较高剂量的污泥获得了最低的pH值,最高的总氮和有效磷。但是,考虑到长时间的应用和矿化过程,可以说2.5吨/公顷-1?ya-1?的污泥剂量比合成肥料在牧场和草地上建议的最高剂量能提供更好的效果。



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