首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Biotechnology >Occurrence and genetic variability of partial coat protein gene of Sweet potato leaf curl virus (SPLCV) in Kenya

Occurrence and genetic variability of partial coat protein gene of Sweet potato leaf curl virus (SPLCV) in Kenya




A survey was conducted to determine the occurrence of sweet potato leaf curl virus (SPLCV) infecting sweet potato in Kenya. Vine cuttings of sweet potato were collected in 2011 from fields in Central, Western and Coastal regions of the country. The cuttings were grown in an insect-proof screen-house and scion grafted to Ipomoea setosa indicator plants. DNA was extracted from leaf samples of graft-inoculated I. serosa and tested for the presence of SPLCV by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using degenerate and specific primers. The virus was detected in all the regions with incidence rates of 33, 17.0 and 2.6% from Western, Coastal and Central regions, respectively using specific primers. Coat protein gene AV1 from isolates collected from each region was sequenced and their comparison revealed >88.4% nucleotide identity. Phylogenetic grouping using nucleotide and amino acid sequences showed that four Kenyan isolates (Coast3, Central13, Coast15 and Western14) clustered together, while the other remaining five grouped a long with isolates from different parts of the world. The results reveal that Kenyan SPLCV isolates have a clear diversity and are also closely related with other isolates from different parts of the world. The wide distribution of the virus within the country means that urgent measures are needed to clean the farmers planting material to reduce possible losses incurred due to the presence of the virus.
机译:进行了一项调查,以确定在肯尼亚感染甘薯的甘薯叶卷曲病毒(SPLCV)的发生。 2011年,从该国中部,西部和沿海地区的田地中收集了甘薯的葡萄插条。插条在防虫的筛房中生长,并接穗接穗番薯指示植物。从移植接种的浆膜假丝酵母的叶片样品中提取DNA,并使用简并引物通过聚合酶链反应(PCR)检测SPLCV的存在。使用特异性引物在西部,沿海和中部地区的所有区域检测到该病毒,其发生率分别为33、17.0和2.6%。对从每个区域收集的分离株的外壳蛋白基因AV1进行了测序,它们的比较显示> 88.4%的核苷酸同一性。使用核苷酸和氨基酸序列进行的系统发育分组显示,肯尼亚的四个分离株(Coast3,Central13,Coast15和Western14)聚集在一起,而其余的五个则与来自世界各地的分离株长排在一起。结果表明,肯尼亚的SPLCV分离株具有明显的多样性,并且与来自世界各地的其他分离株也密切相关。该病毒在国内的广泛传播意味着需要采取紧急措施来清洁农民的种植材料,以减少由于该病毒的存在而可能造成的损失。



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