首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Biotechnology >Anti-nutrient, vitamin and other phytochemical compositions of old and succulent moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam) leaves as influenced by poultry manure application

Anti-nutrient, vitamin and other phytochemical compositions of old and succulent moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam) leaves as influenced by poultry manure application

机译:受家禽粪便施用影响的老和多汁辣木(Moringa oleifera Lam)叶片的抗营养剂,维生素和其他植物化学成分



The study was carried out to determine the anti-nutrient, vitamin and other phytochemical compositions of old and succulent leaves of Moringa oleifera plants as influenced by poultry manure application. Three levels of poultry manure, that is, 0, 5 and 10 tonnes ha-1 were used for treatment. Poultry manure application insignificantly (p > 0.05) increased oxalate, phytate and saponin compositions of the leaves. The older leaves had higher values of tannin, oxalate, phytate and saponin than the succulent ones. The poultry manure levels did not show any significant differences (p > 0.05) in the proximate/chemical properties and some vitamins (vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, and C). Succulent leaves had higher values of vitamins, proximate and chemical properties. The higher concentrations of the anti-nutrients in the older leaves and higher values of vitamins, proximate and chemical properties in the succulent ones provide a good guide to moringa leaf consumers, to harvest the younger succulent (first to fifth) leaves for consumption.
机译:这项研究是为了确定受家禽粪便施用影响的辣木植物老叶和多汁叶片的抗营养,维生素和其他植物化学成分。使用三种水平的家禽粪便,即0、5和10吨ha-1进行处理。施用家禽粪便微不足道(p> 0.05),增加了叶片的草酸盐,植酸和皂苷成分。较老的叶子比多肉的叶子具有更高的单宁,草酸,植酸和皂苷的价值。家禽粪便的水平/化学性质和某些维生素(维生素A,B1,B2,B6和C)没有显着差异(p> 0.05)。肉质叶片具有较高的维生素值,接近和化学特性。较老的叶片中较高的抗营养素浓度和多肉植物中较高的维生素,近生和化学特性,为辣木叶片的消费者提供了一个很好的指南,以收获较年轻的肉质(第一至第五种)叶片供食用。



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