首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Biotechnology >Seasonal variation in the production of secondary metabolites and antimicrobial activity of two plant species used in Brazilian traditional medicine

Seasonal variation in the production of secondary metabolites and antimicrobial activity of two plant species used in Brazilian traditional medicine




Guapira graciliflora and Pseudobombax marginatum?are?two species used in the treatment of various diseases in traditional medicine of the Brazilian semiarid region, but no studies assessing their phytochemical and pharmacological properties have been reported. This study aimed to evaluate seasonal variation in the production of secondary metabolites and antimicrobial activity of these plants. The broth microdilution test was used against pathogenic microorganisms to evaluate the antimicrobial activity. The content of total polyphenols and flavonoids was determined by?ultra violet (UV)?spectrophotometry using gallic acid and quercetin as standards respectively. The concentration of polyphenols was higher in winter for?P. marginatumand in summer for?G. graciliflora, while for flavonoids the opposite occurred. Regarding the antimicrobial activity, only?P. marginatum?showed inhibition against seven tested strains and antibiosis against four, with variation in the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum microbicide concentration (MMC) between the two seasons.?G. graciliflora?showed no activity. The results show that the chemical composition of the extracts from?P. marginatum?and?G. gracilliflora?exhibits seasonal variation, with the first plant showing moderate antimicrobial activity.
机译:Guapira graciliflora和Pseudobombax marginatum是在巴西半干旱地区的传统医学中用于治疗各种疾病的两种物种,但尚无关于评估其植物化学和药理特性的研究的报道。这项研究旨在评估这些植物次生代谢产物的生产和抗菌活性的季节性变化。肉汤微量稀释试验用于对病原微生物进行评估,以评估其抗菌活性。分别以没食子酸和槲皮素为标准品,通过紫外分光光度法测定总多酚和类黄酮的含量。冬季多酚的浓度较高。边缘和夏季?黄柏,而黄酮则相反。关于抗菌活性,仅?P。边缘菌显示出对七个测试菌株的抑制作用,对四个菌株的抑菌作用,两个季节之间的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)和最小杀菌剂浓度(MMC)有所不同。 graciliflora?没有任何活性。结果表明,?P提取物的化学成分。边缘和? gracilliflora?表现出季节性变化,第一株植物表现出中等的抗菌活性。



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