首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Biotechnology >Intercrop performance of different varieties of soybean (Glycine Max. (L) Merril) in a cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) based cropping system within the derived savannah zone

Intercrop performance of different varieties of soybean (Glycine Max. (L) Merril) in a cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) based cropping system within the derived savannah zone

机译:在衍生大草原带内基于木薯(Manihot esculenta Crantz)的种植系统中,不同品种大豆(Glycine Max。(L)Merril)的间作表现



Field experiments to investigate intercrop performance of different varieties of soybean (Glycine Max.?(L.) Merril) in a?cassava (Manihot esculenta?Crantz) based cropping system within the derived savannah zone were conducted at Nsukka Utisol in Southeast Nigeria ecological. Two varieties of cassava and six varieties of soybean of three different maturity groups were grown as sole and intercrop with four rates of N and K fertilizer, laid out in split plot design in RCBD. Fertilizer rate was the main plot treatment while cassava and soybean, sole and intercrop systems were the sub-plots, replicated three times. Effects of fertilizer rate and soybean residue management on growth and yield of the crops were studied. Soybean residue and grain yield were differentiated by their varieties and were significantly affected by fertilizer rates and cropping system rather than by cassava varieties as there was no significant cassava varietal effect on the cropping systems and no apparent shedding effect. Application of N0K50?fertilizer rate gave the highest soybean dry matter accumulation, highest grain yield and highest fresh cassava tuber yield at 12MAP. Intercropping cassava (NR 8230) with soybean (TGX 1894-3E, medium maturing variety), gave the highest grain yield of Soybean and fresh tuber yield of cassava at 12MAP,.
机译:在尼日利亚东南部生态系统的Nsukka Utisol进行了田间试验,研究了不同品种大豆(Glycine Max。(L.)Merril)在衍生的热带稀树草原地区基于木薯(Manihot esculenta?Crantz)的种植系统中的间作表现。在RCBD的分割地块设计中,分别种植了两个木薯品种和三个不同成熟度组的六个大豆品种,分别种植了单种和间作,分别施用了四种氮,钾肥。施肥量是主要的地块处理方法,木薯和大豆,单一和间作系统是次样,重复了3次。研究了肥料用量和大豆残渣管理对作物生长和产量的影响。大豆残渣和谷物产量因品种而异,并且受肥料用量和种植系统的影响较大,而不是受木薯品种的影响,因为木薯对种植系统没有明显的品种效应,也没有明显的脱落作用。在12MAP条件下,施用N0K50?肥的施肥量最高,大豆干物质积累量最高,谷物产量最高,新鲜木薯块茎最高产量。套种木薯(NR 8230)和大豆(TGX 1894-3E,中熟品种)在12MAP时可获得最高的大豆谷物产量和木薯的新鲜块茎产量。



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