首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Biotechnology >Seasonal influence on sexual hormones and semen plasma parameters of Arabian sand gazelles (Gazalla subgutrosa marica) in Saudi Arabia

Seasonal influence on sexual hormones and semen plasma parameters of Arabian sand gazelles (Gazalla subgutrosa marica) in Saudi Arabia

机译:对沙特阿拉伯瞪羚(Gazalla subgutrosa marica)的性激素和精液血浆参数的季节性影响



The plasma levels of testosterone (T), follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) were evaluated in Arabian sand gazelles Gazalla subgutrosa marica to reveal their relation with the sexual desire and testicular efficiency. The levels of those hormones fluctuated over the year; the FSH peak (2.212 ml/mlu) was in October (the beginning of reproductive season). LH level peaked in November (0.73 ml/mlu), while the testosterone level started to increase from July and reached its peak during September and October (340.38 and 419. 5 ng/dl, respectively) and decreased rapidly after November. The levels of some semen inorganic constituents were also measured, the average of sodium, potassium and chloride concentrations were 652.75 ± 124 ± 2.3 and 7.2 ± 0.15 ml mol/L, respectively. Fructose level averaged 141 ± 3.5 mg /dl. The use of the reproductive biotechnologies, which aim to preserve the endangered mammals including Gazelles, is restricted by several factors and depends upon the understanding of the relevant reproductive physiology. In conclusion, sexual hormones were strongly influenced by season. The results from this study suggest more investigation on the reproductive physiological research in order to detect the suitable period for semen collection of Arabian Sand Gazelles (G. subgutturosa marica) in Saudi Arabia.
机译:在阿拉伯沙瞪羚Gazalla subgutrosa marica中评估了睾丸激素(T),卵泡刺激素(FSH)和黄体生成素(LH)的血浆水平,以揭示它们与性欲和睾丸效率的关系。这些激素的水平在一年中波动; FSH峰值(2.212 ml / ml)是在十月(生殖季节开始)。 LH水平在11月达到峰值(0.73 ml / ml),而睾丸激素水平从7月开始增加,并在9月和10月达到峰值(分别为340.38和419. 5 ng / dl),并在11月之后迅速下降。还测量了一些精液中无机成分的含量,钠,钾和氯化物的平均浓度分别为652.75±124±2.3和7.2±0.15 ml mol / L。果糖水平平均为141±3.5mg / dl。旨在保护包括瞪羚在内的濒危哺乳动物的生殖生物技术的使用受到多种因素的限制,取决于对相关生殖生理学的理解。总之,性激素受季节的影响很大。这项研究的结果建议对生殖生理学进行更多的研究,以便确定在沙特阿拉伯收集阿拉伯砂瞪羚(G. subgutturosa marica)精液的合适时期。



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