首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Agricultural Research >Towards attaining equity and satisfaction in water allocation mechanism for irrigated agriculture in Northern Nigeria

Towards attaining equity and satisfaction in water allocation mechanism for irrigated agriculture in Northern Nigeria




Mechanism for water allocation in the irrigated agriculture has been subject of conflict and challenges in sub-Sahara Africa (SSA) due to higher input in rice farming and increasing water shortage. How satisfactory is the allocation mechanism by the stakeholders (the providers, policy-makers and the farmers) and how do farmers perceive equity objective on the existing water allocation mechanism in Nigeria? This paper examines constraints confronting water distribution, farmers’ level of satisfaction and their perception on equity in the process of water distribution to farmlands in the Upper Niger River Basin Development Authority (UNRBDA) in Northern Nigeria. This study employs semi-structured interview and validated questionnaires survey approaches with stakeholders. Data collected were analysed using thematic approach based on themes generation and simple descriptive statistics. Findings show that weak institutions, legal framework incapacity and aging infrastructures majorly hinder equitable water allocation in the irrigated agriculture. Varied opinions were observed on the level of satisfaction among the stakeholders. While 77.7% of farmers reported that equity objective is observed, 22.2% declined that there is equity in the allocation policy. Institutional reform and adequate funding for maintenance of facilities is recommended for justice and equity in water allocation.
机译:在撒哈拉以南非洲(SSA),灌溉农业中的水分配机制一直是冲突和挑战的主题,这是由于稻米种植投入增加和缺水加剧。利益相关者(提供者,决策者和农民)的分配机制是否令人满意,农民如何看待尼日利亚现有水分配机制的公平目标?本文研究了尼日利亚北部尼日尔河上游流域开发管理局(UNRBDA)在水资源分配过程中面临的水资源分配,农民的满意度以及他们对公平的看法。本研究采用与利益相关者的半结构化访谈和经过验证的问卷调查方法。使用基于主题生成和简单描述性统计的主题方法对收集的数据进行分析。调查结果表明,薄弱的机构,法律框架无能为力以及基础设施陈旧严重阻碍了灌溉农业的公平配水。在利益相关者之间的满意度上,人们意见不一。 77.7%的农民报告遵守了公平目标,而22.2%的农民认为分配政策存在公平性。为了实现司法公正和水资源分配的公平性,建议进行机构改革和维护设施的充足资金。



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