首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Agricultural Research >Correlation of climatic factors between the development of tomato cultivars (Solanum lycopersicum L., Solanaceae) with adults of two key pests

Correlation of climatic factors between the development of tomato cultivars (Solanum lycopersicum L., Solanaceae) with adults of two key pests




The tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L., Solanaceae) is a crop has suffered from insect attacks and environmental factors. The objective of this work was to evaluate the correlations of climatic factors and two key pests at the development of cultivars. The study was conducted in Alagoas, Northeastern Brazil, monitored from September 2016 to August 2017. The experimental randomized with five treatments and twelve replicates. Collection of adult insects was performed with Delta? traps with Tuta absoluta pheromone and Bemisia tabaci Genn. through manual harvesting. Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation and climatic factors. Data were subjected to analysis of variance, and the means were compared by the Tukey test at the 5%. probability. In numbers of flower buds, the cultivars Santa Cruz and Rio Grande gave the highest values, 9.65 and 13.6, respectively. In numbers of fruits, the cultivar Cereja gave higher yields, with a mean value of 6.91. For fruit diameter, the cultivars Santa Clara, Caline IPA 6 and Santa Cruz produced fruits whose diameter was 2.93 cm, 2.95 cm and 3.22 cm, respectively. In of fruit weight, the cultivars Caline IPA 6 and Santa Cruz gave averages of 29.14 g and 38.9 g, respectively, both superior to those of the other cultivars studied. The correlations precipitation, radiation, temperature and wind were climatic factors contributing to the development of tomato varieties in protected crops and caused damage to the physiology of the plant, and acted as environmental indicators for the planning of integrated pest management.?Keywords: vegetable production, productivity, agriculture, abiotic factors.
机译:番茄(Solanum lycopersicum L.,茄科)是一种遭受昆虫侵袭和环境因素侵害的作物。这项工作的目的是评估气候因素与两种主要害虫在品种发展中的相关性。该研究于2016年9月至2017年8月在巴西东北部的Alagoas进行。该实验随机分为5种治疗方法和12种重复方法。用Delta?进行成虫的收集。 Tuta absoluta信息素和Bemisia tabaci Genn诱捕器。通过人工收获。通过皮尔逊相关性和气候因素分析数据。对数据进行方差分析,并通过Tukey检验在5%的条件下对均值进行比较。可能性。在花蕾的数量上,品种圣克鲁斯和里奥格兰德给出的数值最高,分别为9.65和13.6。在水果数量上,Cereja品种的产量更高,平均值为6.91。对于果实直径,栽培品种Santa Clara,Caline IPA 6和Santa Cruz生产的果实直径分别为2.93 cm,2.95 cm和3.22 cm。以果实重量计,Caline IPA 6和Santa Cruz两个品种的平均产量分别为29.14 g和38.9 g,均优于其他研究品种。降水,辐射,温度和风的相关性是导致受保护农作物番茄品种发展并损害植物生理的气候因素,并且是进行病虫害综合治理计划的环境指标。 ,生产力,农业,非生物因素。


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