首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Agricultural Research >Strategies for selecting soybean genotypes using mixed models and multivariate approach

Strategies for selecting soybean genotypes using mixed models and multivariate approach




The objective of this study was to select soybean genotypes derived from crosses between conventional and transgenic lines Roundup Ready (RR), using jointly Restricted Maximum Likelihood/Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (REML/BLUP) approaches, factors analysis and principal components analysis, processed with favorable agronomic traits, during the 2013/2014 growing season. Three agronomic selection processes were identified to select genotypes that discriminate genotypes containing more specific properties. Process 1 (insertion height of first pod, HFP; number of branches, NB; number of pods, NP; number of nodes, NN; and grain yield, GY) was efficient to select earlier, smaller genotypes with good yield/production components and lodging resistance. The junction between mixed model via REML/BLUP and the applied multivariate statistic using factor analysis helped to select suitable genotypes with high performance to carry on the soybean plant-breeding program.
机译:这项研究的目的是使用联合限制性最大似然/最佳线性无偏预测(REML / BLUP)方法,因子分析和主成分分析,通过常规加工和转基因品系Roundup Ready(RR)的杂交来选择大豆基因型。 2013/2014生长季节良好的农艺性状。确定了三种农艺选择过程来选择可区分包含更具体特性的基因型的基因型。方法1(第一个荚果的插入高度,HFP;分支数,NB;荚果的数量,NP;节点数,NN;和谷物产量,GY)有效地选择了较早的,较小的,具有良好产量/产量成分的基因型。抗倒伏性。通过REML / BLUP进行的混合模型与使用因子分析的多元统计数据的结合有助于选择合适的高性能基因型进行大豆育种程序。



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