首页> 外文期刊>Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy >Chemical composition of grains from glyphosate-resistant soybean and its conventional parent under different edaphoclimatic conditions in Brazil

Chemical composition of grains from glyphosate-resistant soybean and its conventional parent under different edaphoclimatic conditions in Brazil




ABSTRACT Glyphosate-tolerant (Roundup Ready(r), RR) soybean is the most widely cultivated genetically modified crop in the world. The aim of this study was to evaluate, in a long-term field experiment, the chemical composition of grains in a pair of cultivars composed of the conventional parent (BRS 133) and the nearly isogenic transgenic (BRS 245RR) soybean. Plants were cropped under two different edaphoclimatic conditions in Brazil. The experiments began during the 2003/2004 growing season; samples were collected during the 2011/2012 harvest. Were quantified the contents of isoflavones (high performance liquid chromatography), fatty acids (gas chromatography), lipid and proteins (near infrared spectroscopy in the NIR - Near Infrared Reflectance) and minerals (atomic absorption flame spectrophotometry). All samples were analyzed in three replications. Major differences were observed between the two cultivation locations. In Ponta Grossa, which has lower temperatures and higher rainfall during the grain filling period, the contents of lipids and isoflavones were higher. In Londrina, which hassoil with higher fertility, the contents of minerals, proteins and carbohydrates in soybean grains were higher. Significant differences were observed between the cultivars. The conventional parent had higher protein contents and lower lipid contents. The transgenic soybean line had higher isoflavone contents.
机译:摘要耐草甘膦(Roundup Ready(r),RR)大豆是世界上种植最广泛的转基因作物。这项研究的目的是在长期的田间试验中,评估由常规亲本(BRS 133)和近等基因转基因(BRS 245RR)大豆组成的一对品种中谷物的化学成分。在巴西,在两种不同的气候条件下种植了植物。实验始于2003/2004生长季节。在2011/2012年收获期间收集了样本。对异黄酮(高效液相色谱),脂肪酸(气相色谱),脂质和蛋白质(近红外光谱在NIR中-近红外反射)和矿物质(原子吸收火焰分光光度法)的含量进行了定量。所有样品进行三次重复分析。在两个栽培地点之间观察到主要差异。在灌浆期温度较低且降雨较高的蓬塔格罗萨(Ponta Grossa),脂质和异黄酮的含量较高。在土壤肥力较高的隆德里纳,大豆籽粒中矿物质,蛋白质和碳水化合物的含量较高。在品种之间观察到显着差异。传统的亲本具有较高的蛋白质含量和较低的脂质含量。转基因大豆品系具有较高的异黄酮含量。



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