首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Pharmacology and Pharmacy >In-vivo Assessment of Neuropharmacological Activity of Methanol Bark Extract of Mimosa Pudica in Mice

In-vivo Assessment of Neuropharmacological Activity of Methanol Bark Extract of Mimosa Pudica in Mice




Background: Mimosa pudica, a common plant of Mimosoideae family has been used as Ayurvedic herbal medicine by Bangladeshi and Chinese to treat several diseases such as hemorrhoids, hair loss, arthritis, dysentery, leprosy, jaundice, leukoderma, asthma, uterine problems. The root and bark of the plant is said to display antimicrobial activity. Hence, gargling with a decoction of the root and bark of Mimosa pudica diluted in water may help to treat toothaches. Aim of the study: The present study was designed to evaluate the presence of phytochemical groups and to investigate the neuropharmacological activity of methanol extract of Mimosa pudica (MEMP). Methodology: The neuropharmacological activity was determined by hole cross and open field test using Swiss Albino mice as experimental animal. Results: Phytochemical analysis of Mimosa pudica extract indicated the presence of tannins, alkaloids, terpenoids and flavonoids. The sample showed dose-dependent sedative activity at the doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg body weight compared to standard drug Diazepam (1 mg/kg body weight). Conclusion: MEMP showed significant sedative activity demonstrating that the extract may be useful in the development of a new sedative and anti-anxiety drug.
机译:背景:含羞草科的常见植物含羞草(Mimosa pudica)已被孟加拉国和中国人用作阿育吠陀草药,用于治疗痔疮,脱发,关节炎,痢疾,麻风,黄疸,白细胞,哮喘,子宫问题等多种疾病。据说该植物的根和树皮显示出抗菌活性。因此,用含羞草(Mimosa pudica)的根和树皮煎汤加水稀释可能有助于治疗牙痛。研究目的:本研究旨在评估植物化学基团的存在,并研究含羞草甲醇提取物(MEMP)的神经药理活性。方法:使用瑞士白化病小鼠作为实验动物,通过孔交叉和野外试验确定神经药理活性。结果:含羞草提取物的植物化学分析表明存在单宁,生物碱,萜类和黄酮类。与标准药物地西p(1 mg / kg体重)相比,样品在200和400 mg / kg体重的剂量下显示出剂量依赖性的镇静活性。结论:MEMP具有明显的镇静作用,表明该提取物可能对开发一种新的镇静和抗焦虑药物有用。



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