首页> 外文期刊>Advances in Environmental Biology >Biological Factors Affecting Seeds of Lentil Cultivars Stored for Planting in Jordan with Emphasis on Grain Legumes Beetles and Weevils.

Biological Factors Affecting Seeds of Lentil Cultivars Stored for Planting in Jordan with Emphasis on Grain Legumes Beetles and Weevils.




Lentil seeds of five cultivars were gathered from farms stores from various sites through out Jordan in 2013 and 2014 to examine biological factors attacking the plant production. Germination, viability and purity percentages of the lentil seeds samples were evaluated by the international standards. Seed germination was ranged from 65 to 100% and seed viability was ranged from 80 to 100% depending on the lentil cultivar and the site of seed collection. The correlation between seeds germination and viability % was highly positive. The percentages of seeds purity were ranged between 80 and 99% in all lentil cultivars. Number of holes caused by the stored product insects in all seeds in the Red and Balady cultivars were significantly less than the other lentil cultivars. The most common insects species in the seeds samples of all cultivars from different parts of Jordan was Rhyzopertha dominica, followed by Bruchus rufimanus, Sitopilus granarium, Oryzaephilus surinamesis, Anthrenus museorum, A.verbasci and Cryptolestes ferrugineus and from Amman governorate was B lentis, followed by B. rufimanus, Callosobruchus maculates, B. incornatus, B. pisorum and C. chinensis. Several agricultural practices wereconcluded and suggested to get high quality lentil seeds to be planted.
机译:2013年和2014年从约旦各地各地的农场商店收集了5个品种的扁豆种子,以研究影响植物生产的生物学因素。扁豆种子样品的发芽率,生存力和纯度百分比均通过国际标准评估。种子发芽的范围为65%至100%,种子生存力的范围为80%至100%,具体取决于小扁豆品种和种子收集部位。种子发芽率和活力%之间的相关性是高度正相关的。在所有小扁豆品种中,种子纯度的百分比范围为80%至99%。在红色和Balady品种的所有种子中,由贮藏的昆虫引起的孔数明显少于其他小扁豆品种。在约旦不同地区的所有品种的种子样本中,最常见的昆虫物种是Rhyzopertha dominica,其次是Bruchus rufimanus,Sitopilus granarium,Oryzaephilus surinamesis,Anthrenus museorum,A.verbasci和Cryptolestes ferrugineus,安曼省则是B lentis。由B. rufimanus,Callosobruchus有斑点,B。incornatus,B。pisorum和C. chinensis组成。总结了几种农业实践,并建议种植高质量的扁豆种子。



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