首页> 外文期刊>Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis >Effect of the growing season duration of sorghum and Sudan grass hybrids on the chemical composition and digestibility of organic matter

Effect of the growing season duration of sorghum and Sudan grass hybrids on the chemical composition and digestibility of organic matter




In our experimental study we used the four most commonly grown (in the Czech Republic) sorghum and Sudan grass hybrids from USA (Nutri Honey, Latte, Honey Graze, Big Kahuna) and one hybrid from Germany (Bovital). The aim of the study was to compare these hybrids and to find out the influence of the growing season length on their nutrient composition and digestibility of organic matter. Samples were taken in the first cut, always in 14-day intervals. The crop was sown in early June, sampling started on July 19, 2010 and finished 8 weeks later on September 13, 2010. When assessing the influence of the growing season’s length the following values and development trends were discovered. Constant decreases over the testing period were recorded in nitrogen compounds – by 62?% (133.13 g), easily soluble sugars – 55. 5?% (40.06 g), organic matter digestibility 25.7?% (182.93?g) and NDF (neutro – detergent fibre) digestibility 31.5?% (73.2 g). Increasing trend, on the other hand, was recorded in fibre – by 30.4?% (99.2?g) and its individual components: lignin, NDF and ADF (acido – detergent fibre). In the second part of the experiment we were studying the differences in nutrient composition and organic matter digestibility between the individual hybrids. Honey Graze was recorded as having the highest average content of easily soluble sugars 57.53 ± 0.43?g, with lowest fibre content (272.13 ± 2.49 g), lowest ADF content (331.4 ± 2.88?g) and NDF content (440.4 ± 4.20?g) and lignin (77.47 ± 0.71 g). This hybrid also showed the best organic matter of (657.07 ± 5.28 g); however, no statistically conclusive differences (P 0.05) in terms of organic matter digestibility were recorded between this hybrid and the other ones. The Bovital hybrid had the highest content of nitrogen compounds over the entire growing season (138.73 ± 0.94 g). Statistically highly conclusive difference (P 0.01) in nitrogen compounds was found between this hybrid and all the other ones (except Big Kahuna). Upon all the indicators, the best rated sorghum and Sudan grass hybrid in terms of nutrient composition and organic matter digestibility was Honey Graze.
机译:在我们的实验研究中,我们使用了来自美国的四种最常见的(在捷克共和国)高粱和苏丹草杂种(Nutri Honey,Latte,Honey Graze,Big Kahuna)和一种来自德国的杂种(Bovital)。该研究的目的是比较这些杂种,并找出生长季节长度对其营养成分和有机质消化率的影响。第一次切割时总是以14天为间隔取样。该农作物于6月初播种,于2010年7月19日开始取样,并于2010年9月13日结束8周。当评估生长季节长度的影响时,发现了以下数值和发展趋势。在测试期间,含氮化合物的含量持续下降,下降了62%(133.13克),易溶的糖类下降了55.5%(40.06克),有机物消化率达到25.7%(182.93克)和NDF(中性)。 –洗涤剂纤维)的消化率31.5%(73.2克)。另一方面,纤维和木质纤维,NDF和ADF(酸-洗涤剂纤维)的各个组成部分的纤维含量增加了30.4%(99.2g)。在实验的第二部分中,我们研究了单个杂种之间营养成分和有机质消化率的差异。据记录,Honey Graze的易溶糖平均含量最高,为57.53±0.43µg,纤维含量最低(272.13±2.49 g),ADF含量最低(331.4±2.88µg),NDF含量最低(440.4±4.20µg) )和木质素(77.47±0.71 g)。该杂种还显示出最佳的有机质(657.07±5.28 g);然而,该杂种与其他杂种之间在有机物消化率方面没有统计学上的决定性差异(P <0.05)。在整个生长季节中,Bovital杂种的氮化合物含量最高(138.73±0.94 g)。发现该杂种与所有其他杂种(大卡胡纳除外)之间的氮化合物在统计学上具有高度决定性的差异(P <0.01)。在所有指标上,就营养成分和有机质可消化性而言,评分最高的高粱和苏丹草杂交种是Honey Graze。



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