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Molecular typing of Brucella species isolates from Human and livestock bloods in Isfahan province




Background: Human brucellosis is caused by infection with certain species of the genus Brucella and is characterized by bacterial persistence and inflammation of many host tissues. Handling all live Brucella involves risk of laboratory infection and very strict biosafety rules must be observed. In order to avoid these disadvantages, method based on the PCR-RFLP shows excellent typeability, reproducibility, stability, and epidemiological concordance. The omp2 locus contains two gene copies (named omp2a and omp2b ) coding for porin proteins and has been found particularly useful for molecular typing and identification of Brucella at the species, biovar, or strain level. This study is designed to evaluate the molecular epidemiology of Brucella spp from human and livestock in Isfahan province, central region of Iran in order to use the findings in efficient disease prevention programs. Materials and Methods: One hundred ninety blood samples were collected from human and cattle with active brucellosis and 40 aborted ewes fetuses were collected and genotyped using PCR-RFLP technique, DNA polymorphisms such as the restriction patterns of the PCR-amplified omp2a and omp2b genes. Results: The molecular characterization performed to assess the species and the biovar of the Brucella strains. Analysis of the 230 isolates examined in this study generated three unique RFLP profiles. One of the profiles was the most common being present in 134/180. Conclusion: Our findings confirm abundance of B. melitensis, particularly biovar 1 in human and sheep are identical but B. abortus biovar 3 as the etiological agent of cattle brucellosis most frequently isolated in the Isfahan area.
机译:背景:人类布鲁氏菌病是由布鲁氏菌属的某些物种感染引起的,其特征是细菌持久性和许多宿主组织发炎。处理所有活布鲁氏菌均具有实验室感染的风险,必须遵守非常严格的生物安全规则。为了避免这些缺点,基于PCR-RFLP的方法具有出色的可打字性,可重复性,稳定性和流行病学一致性。 omp2基因座包含两个编码孔蛋白的基因拷贝(分别称为omp2a和omp2b),并且已发现在物种,生物变种或菌株水平上对布鲁氏菌的分子分型和鉴定特别有用。本研究旨在评估伊朗中部地区伊斯法罕省人类和牲畜的布鲁氏菌属的分子流行病学,以便将其发现用于有效的疾病预防计划中。资料与方法:从患有活动性布鲁氏菌病的人和牛中采集一百九十份血样,并使用PCR-RFLP技术对40名流产的母羊胎儿进行基因分型,并进行DNA多态性分析,例如PCR扩增的omp2a和omp2b基因的限制性酶切图谱。结果:进行分子表征以评估布鲁氏菌菌株的种类和生物变种。对本研究中检查的230个分离株的分析产生了三个独特的RFLP图谱。其中一个配置文件是134/180中最常见的配置文件。结论:我们的研究结果证实了梅毒双歧杆菌的丰富性,特别是人和绵羊中的生物变种1是相同的,但流产双歧杆菌3是伊斯法罕地区最常分离的牛布鲁氏菌病的病原体。



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