首页> 外文期刊>Comunicao, Mídia e Consumo >O sucesso do arquétipo do herói vigilante: ciência, tecnologia e ética na trilogia cinematográfica “O Cavaleiro das Trevas”

O sucesso do arquétipo do herói vigilante: ciência, tecnologia e ética na trilogia cinematográfica “O Cavaleiro das Trevas”




The narratives of Batman reveal an imaginary in which the hero’s archetype is filled with the “vigilante” image, which can be the main element in the cultural identification between the audience and the protagonist. In the film trilogy The Dark Knight, the main resources of this vigilant hero are the use of scientific and technological knowledge, the investigative atitude (empiric-rational), the development of his physical potential, and his ethic qualities. Based on the anthropology of imaginary from Gilbert Durand, this paper develops a “mythocritic” about the trilogy and shows how the archetypes and myths related to science, technology and a deontological ethic have a main role in the imaginary of The Dark Knight and can contribute for its success.
机译:蝙蝠侠的叙事揭示了一种假想,其中英雄的原型充满了“维吉兰特”形象,这可能是观众和主角之间文化认同的主要元素。在电影三部曲《黑暗骑士》中,这个警惕的英雄的主要资源是科学技术知识的使用,调查态度(经验理性),身体潜能的发展以及他的道德素质。基于吉尔伯特·杜兰德(Gilbert Durand)的虚构人类学,本文提出了关于三部曲的“神话”,并展示了与科学,技术和道义伦理相关的原型和神话如何在“黑暗骑士”的虚构中发挥主要作用,并可以做出贡献为它的成功。



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