首页> 外文期刊>Acta Musei Silesiae,Scientiae Naturales >The fauna of the Acalyptrate families Micropezidae, Psilidae, Clusiidae, Acartophthalmidae, Anthomyzidae, Aulacigastridae, Periscelididae and Asteiidae (Diptera) in the Gemer area (Central Slovakia): supplement / Fauna akalyptrátních ?eledí Micropezidae,

The fauna of the Acalyptrate families Micropezidae, Psilidae, Clusiidae, Acartophthalmidae, Anthomyzidae, Aulacigastridae, Periscelididae and Asteiidae (Diptera) in the Gemer area (Central Slovakia): supplement / Fauna akalyptrátních ?eledí Micropezidae,




In the first supplement to the fauna of the Diptera Acalyptrata of the Gemer area (Slovakia) new records from the Muránska planina National Park are presented. Based on the material examined, records of Micropezidae (3 species), Psilidae (4), Clusiidae (9), Acartophthalmidae (2), Anthomyzidae (4), Aulacigastridae (2, a family recorded for the first time from Gemer area), Periscelididae (2) and Asteiidae (2) are given, with comments for each species about general distribution, biology, faunistic and/or nature conservation importance. Four species are new additions to the fauna of Slovakia, viz. Chamaepsila andreji (Shatalkin, 1996), Ch. confusa Shatalkin & Merz, 2010 (both Psilidae), Clusiodes gentilis (Collin, 1912) (Clusiidae) and Periscelis winnertzii Egger, 1862 (Periscelididae), and six other species are recorded from the Gemer or Muránska planina NP for the first time. Apart from the faunal novelties, Rainieria calceata (Fallén, 1820) (Micropezidae), Clusiodes caledonicus (Collin, 1912), C. verticalis (Collin, 1912) (Clusiidae), Aulacigaster pappi Kassebeer, 2001 (Aulacigastridae) and Periscelis annulata (Fallén, 1813) (Periscelididae) are the most significant species in the area, belonging to rare taxa distinctly jeopardized due to association with (in Central Europe) endangered habitats. A new host plant of Stiphrosoma sabulosum (Haliday, 1837) (Anthomyzidae) is recorded, viz. Agrostis gigantea Roth. (Poaceae).
机译:在Gemer地区(斯洛伐克)Diptera Acalyptrata动物区系的第一个补充中,展示了Muránskaplanina国家公园的新记录。根据所检查的材料,记录了Micropezidae(3种),Psilidae(4),Clusiidae(9),Acartophthalmidae(2),Anthomyzidae(4),Auracigastridae(2,这是第一次从Gemer地区记录的科)的记录,给出了Periscelididae(2)和Asteiidae(2),并就每个物种的总体分布,生物学,功能性和/或自然保护重要性发表了评论。四种动物是斯洛伐克动物区系的新成员。 Chamaepsila andreji(Shatalkin,1996),Ch。 Shatalkin&Merz,confus Shatalkin&Merz,2010(均为Psilidae),gentus clusiodes gentilis(Collin,1912)(Clusiidae)和Periscelis Winnertzii Egger,1862(Periscelididae),以及其他六个物种是首次从Gemer或Muránskaplanina NP记录下来。除了动物方面的新颖性外,Rainieria calceata(Fallén,1820)(Micropezidae),Clusiodes caledonicus(Collin,1912),verticalis(Collin,1912)(Clusiidae),Auracigaster pappi Kassebeer,2001(Aulacigastridae)和Periscelisnannata(Polacelallann ,1813)(Periscelididae)是该地区最重要的物种,属于因与(在中欧)濒临灭绝的栖息地相关而受到明显危害的稀有分类单元。记录了一种新的寄主植物Stiphrosoma sabulosum(Haliday,1837)(Anthomyzidae),即。 Agrostis gigantea罗斯。 (禾本科)。



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