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The advantage of the aggregate culture of isolated ovarian cell types over the monolayer culture




Ovarian cells such as theca interna, granulosa and corpus luteum cells were isolated from pig ovaries and cultured in Erlenmayer flasks (25 ml) containing 3.5 ml of culture medium. The media were replaced every second day and frozen to -20°C for later steroid analysis. The reaggregation of cells was completed within 2–3 days and this was then followed by a period of cell migration. During the subsequent 5–6 day period the reaggregates became larger. The best results were obtained in cultures of isolated theca alone and in combination with granulosa cells, as well as of early corpus luteum cells. Granulosa cells did not aggregate as easily or as completely as the corpus luteum cells. All types of cells investigated were able to secrete progesterone into the culture medium. They secreted more progesterone and for a longer time than cells cultured as monolayers. The aggregate culture seems to be a good model to study the secretion of ovarian cells, by creating the tri-dimensional, and thus more physiological, culture system.



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