首页> 外文期刊>Acta Geologica Slovaca >Vyber stavebného kameňa pre rekon?trukciu historickych objektov

Vyber stavebného kameňa pre rekon?trukciu historickych objektov




The trend of the restoration of historic monuments in Slovakia grows gradually. The systematic investigation of rocks aiming at the retrieval of natural building stone sources is of a useful importance not only for geologists, but also for conservator of monuments and restorers interested in the preservation and recovery of historic objects. The appropriate base for the selection of perspective extraction sites and their detailed purposeful study is the voluminous information, assembled in the recently processed "Engineering geological atlas of rocks of Slovakia" further Atlas), which contains the information about hard and semi-hard rocks from 146 sites of the whole Slovak territory. according to various criteria (lithological composition of rock, situation of restored object, etc.) the analysis of obtained, and thanks to the created database, easily accessible information enables to select the most perspective sites of the applicable building stone already in the introductory stages of the solution. after a brief information about the Atlas the paper contains the analysis of the basic procedure of the sites selection, which is applicable for the aims of the historic objects restoration. Defined are not only the main selection criteria, but also essential data, which fail in the Atlas and it is necessary to fill them in for the selected sites at the detailed study.



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