




The 24th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for Animal Cell Technology (JAACT2011) “Bench to bed, bed to bench” was held at University of Tokyo, Japan on July 22 and 23, 2011. The meeting chairperson was Prof. Jae Tae Woo, Chubu University. The meeting focused on recent advancement in the field of animal cell technology from both basic and applied aspects. We invited academic and industrial scientists to make this meeting truly successful and scientifically fruitful. About 200 participants derived from 76 universities, institutions and companies joined the meeting and enjoyed the program (Plenary lectures, 2; symposia, 4; poster presentations, 65: Trade exhibition, 15).;Plenary Lecture 1. “Realization of regenerative medicine by cell sheet technology and studies on stem cell biology” by Dr. Masayuki Yamato, Tokyo Women’s Medical University.;Plenary Lecture 2. “Adipocytes and molecular mechanism of life-style related diseases” by Dr. Takashi Kadowaki. University of Tokyo.;“Functional evaluation using animal cells and clinical application”;“Future of regenerative medicine based on cell technology”;“Basic research and application on adipocytes”;“Strategy and context for realization of biomedicine”;This JAACT2011 issue of Cytotechnology includes 14 papers accepted after peer review. The editors hope this JAACT issue of Cytotechnology will greatly contribute to the development of animal cell technology for innovation of life science.;The editors:;Jae Tae Woo, Chubu University;Sanetaka Shirahata, Kyushu University
机译:2011年7月22日至23日,日本动物细胞技术协会第24届年会(JAACT2011)“从床上到床上,从床上到长凳”在日本东京大学举行。会议主席是Jae Tae Woo教授,中部大学。会议从基础和应用两个方面着重讨论了动物细胞技术领域的最新进展。我们邀请了学术界和工业界的科学家使这次会议真正成功并取得了科学成果。来自76个大学,机构和公司的大约200名与会者参加了会议,并享受了该计划(全体会议,第2讲;专题讨论会,第4届;海报展示,第65届:贸易展览,第15届)。;全体会议第1讲。东京女子医科大学大和雅之Masayuki Yamato博士撰写的《细胞表技术和干细胞生物学研究》;全会演讲2,高木隆昭博士撰写的“与生活方式有关的疾病的脂肪细胞和分子机制”。东京大学;“使用动物细胞的功能评估和临床应用”;“基于细胞技术的再生医学的未来”;“脂肪细胞的基础研究和应用”;“实现生物医学的策略和背景”;本JAACT2011年出版细胞技术包括经过同行评审后被接受的14篇论文。编辑希望本期《 JAACT细胞技术》将极大地促进动物细胞技术的发展,以促进生命科学的创新。;编辑:;中部大学的Jae Tae Woo;九州大学的Sanetaka Shirahata



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