首页> 外文期刊>Acta Herpetologica >Rediscovery and re-description of the holotype of Lygosoma vittigerum (= Lipinia vittigera) Boulenger, 1894

Rediscovery and re-description of the holotype of Lygosoma vittigerum (= Lipinia vittigera) Boulenger, 1894

机译:重新发现并重新描述了维格虎(Lygosoma vittigerum)(= Lipinia vittigera)Boulenger,1894年



We report about the rediscovery of the holotype of the Southeast Asian striped skink Lipinia vittigera and provide a detailed redescription together with photographs and drawings. The species was first described by George Albert Boulenger in 1894 as Lygosoma vittigerum based on a specimen collected by Elio Modigliani on the island of Sereinu (= Sipura), west of Sumatra. The original type specimen was considered to be lost for more than a century and was recently rediscovered in the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale “Giacomo Doria” (MSNG) in Genova, Italy.
机译:我们报告了东南亚条纹石龙子Lipinia vittigera的原型的重新发现,并提供了详细的重新描述以及照片和图纸。该物种最初是由乔治·阿尔伯特·布伦格(George Albert Boulenger)在1894年根据依里奥·莫迪格利亚尼(Elio Modigliani)在苏门答腊以西Sereinu(= Sipura)岛上采集的标本描述为vittigerum。最初的标本被认为丢失了一个多世纪,最近在意大利热那亚的自然科学博物馆“ Giacomo Doria”(MSNG)中被重新发现。



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