首页> 外文期刊>Czech Journal of Animal Science >Breeding value evaluation in Polish fur animals: Estimates of direct heritability and portion of litter variation of fur coat and reproduction traits

Breeding value evaluation in Polish fur animals: Estimates of direct heritability and portion of litter variation of fur coat and reproduction traits




The study presents estimates of heritability for fur coat and reproduction traits in arctic and silver foxes kept on Polish farms. The estimates of variance components were calculated using the DFREML and single-trait animal models. Due to a discrete character of fur coat traits, they were analysed twice: (1) without normalisation of their scores distribution, (2) after the normal probability scale transformation of their scores. Linear models included random additive genetic and common litter environment effects, and fixed effects of farm × year × birth season in the silver fox or year × birth season in the arctic fox as well as the fixed effect of female age when the reproduction traits were analysed. Moreover, the estimation of variance components for fur coat traits was done by a linear model with (Model 2) or without (Model 1) inbreeding coefficients included as linear covariable. In the arctic fox accounting for inbreeding and the data transformation did not markedly influence the estimates of heritability and the portion of litter variation calculated for the fur coat traits. An inbreeding effect was negligible (except for body size – BS) likely due to the low inbred level of the arctic fox population. In the silver fox the comparison of estimates derived using 2 different linear models and 2 data sets revealed more differences than it was found in the arctic fox. Accounting for inbreeding usually led to lower estimates of heritability, mainly when heritabilities were derived from the normal probability scale-transformed data. Most of the estimates of heritability of reproduction traits were found within the range reported by other authors. However, somewhat higher heritabilities were found for litter size at birth – LSB (0.205) and litter size at weaning – LSW (0.250).
机译:这项研究提出了波兰农场养的北极狐和银狐皮毛和繁殖性状的遗传力估计。方差分量的估计是使用DFREML和单性状动物模型计算的。由于皮草特征的离散性,对它们进行了两次分析:(1)不对分数分布进行归一化;(2)在对分数进行正态概率标度转换后。线性模型包括随机加性遗传效应和常见凋落物环境效应,银狐的农场×年×出生季节或北极狐的年×出生季节的固定效应,以及分析繁殖性状的雌性年龄的固定效应。此外,皮毛特性的方差分量的估计是通过线性模型进行的,线性模型包含(模型2)或不包含(模型1)近交系数作为线性协变量。在北极狐中,近亲繁殖和数据转换并没有显着影响遗传力的估计以及针对皮毛性状计算的凋落物变化的比例。由于北极狐种群的近交水平较低,因此近交效应可忽略不计(体重除外– BS)。在银狐中,使用2个不同的线性模型和2个数据集得出的估计值的比较显示出比在北极狐中发现的差异更大。考虑到近亲繁殖通常会降低对遗传力的估计,主要是因为遗传力是从正常概率量表转换后的数据中得出的。关于繁殖性状的遗传力的大多数估计是在其他作者报告的范围内发现的。但是,出生时的产仔数为-LSB(0.205),而断奶时的产仔数-LSW(0.250)则具有较高的遗传力。



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