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This visualization of software execution is a new necessity for performance profiling and debugging.




Brendan Gregg, Netflix An everyday problem in our industry is understanding how software is consuming resources, particularly CPUs. What exactly is consuming how much, and how did this change since the last software version? These questions can be answered using software profilers, tools that help direct developers to optimize their code and operators to tune their environment. The output of profilers can be verbose, however, making it laborious to study and comprehend. The flame graph provides a new visualization for profiler output and can make for much faster comprehension, reducing the time for root cause analysis. In environments where software changes rapidly, such as the Netflix cloud microservice architecture, it is especially important to understand profiles quickly. Faster comprehension can also make the study of foreign software more successful, where one's skills, appetite, and time are strictly limited.
机译:Netflix的Brendan Gregg,我们行业中的日常问题是了解软件如何消耗资源,尤其是CPU。到底消耗了多少?自上一个软件版本以来,这有何变化?这些问题可以使用软件概述工具来回答,这些工具可以帮助指导开发人员优化代码,并帮助操作员调整环境。但是,探查器的输出可能很冗长,因此很难进行研究和理解。火焰图为探查器输出提供了新的可视化效果,并且可以更快地理解,从而减少了根本原因分析的时间。在软件快速变化的环境中,例如Netflix云微服务体系结构,快速了解配置文件尤为重要。更快的理解能力也可以使外国软件的研究更加成功,因为他们的技能,食欲和时间受到严格限制。



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