首页> 外文期刊>Acarologia >A comparative evaluation of the consequences of Phytoptus tetratrichus Nalepa (Acari: Eriophyoidea) feeding on the content and tissue distribution of polyphenolic compounds in leaves of different linden taxa

A comparative evaluation of the consequences of Phytoptus tetratrichus Nalepa (Acari: Eriophyoidea) feeding on the content and tissue distribution of polyphenolic compounds in leaves of different linden taxa

机译:南方疫霉(Phytoptus tritrichus Nalepa)(Acari:Eriophyoidea)饲喂对不同菩提树叶片中多酚化合物含量和组织分布的影响的比较评估



Here we report a comparative study on the content and tissue distribution of polyphenols in leaves of small-leaved linden (Tilia cordata Mill.) and silver linden (Tilia tomentosa Moench) differentially galled by Phytoptus tetratrichus Nalepa (Acari: Eriophyidae). Data showed that at the beginning of the season (early July): (1) the native level of leaf flavonoids (flavonols, anthocyanins, tannins) varied significantly being higher in T. cordata than in T. tomentosa, (2) eriophyoid mite abundance was markedly lower on leaves of T. cordata with 4-fold higher levels of anthocyanins and 6-fold higher levels of tannins than on leaves of T. tomentosa, (3) in relation to linden taxa and mite/gall density, the content of flavonoids altered differently: in mite-galled leaves of T. cordata both flavonols and tannins accumulated markedly (up to 1% of leaf dry weight), whereas in galled leaves of T. tomentosa the increase of tannins and flavonols was much weaker (up to 0.6% of leaf dry weight), (4) due to P. tetratrichus feeding, the content of anthocyanins in T. cordata leaves decreased, while in T. tomentosa it did not change or it increased, depending on gall density. Results obtained suggest that at the beginning of the season T. cordata is a less suitable host for P. tetratrichus than T. tomentosa due to the relatively high amount of native leaf anthocyanins and tannins. Since the most responsive class of leaf flavonoids to P. tetratrichus feeding were tannins and flavonols, they are proposed as putative factors negatively affecting the performance of P. tetratrichus.
机译:在这里,我们报告比较研究了小叶菩提树(Tilia cordata Mill。)和银菩提树(Tilia tomentosa Moench)的多叶疫霉(Phytoptus tetratrichus Nalepa)(Acari:Eriophyidae)多酚含量和组织分布。数据显示,在季节开始时(7月上旬):(1)茄形堇菜中叶黄酮(黄酮醇,花色苷,单宁酸)的天然含量明显高于毛绒球茎中的含量,(2)类风湿螨含量高相比之下,T。cordata叶上的花青素含量高出4倍,单宁含量高6倍。T。tomentosa叶片上的含量较低(3)与菩提树分类和螨/胆密度,黄酮类化合物的变化有所不同:在茄形螨的螨状叶片中,黄酮醇和单宁含量均显着积累(最多占叶干重的1%),而在毛冠毛虫的胆汁叶中,单宁和黄酮醇的增加却弱得多(直至占叶干重的0.6%),(4)由于四头P的取食,T。cordata叶片中的花色苷含量降低,而T. tomentosa中的花青素含量不变或升高,这取决于胆汁密度。获得的结果表明,由于相对大量的天然叶子花色苷和单宁,所以在T. cordata季中,T。cordata不如T. tomentosa更适合于P.trictrichus。由于对黄粉虫进食最敏感的一类叶类黄酮是单宁和黄酮醇,因此,它们被认为是负面影响黄粉虫性能的推定因素。



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