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Effect of Cyclanilide, Ethephon, Auxin Transport Inhibitors, and Temperature on Whole Plant Defoliation




Whole plant defoliation studies were performed using dark red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to compare the effect of cyclanilide [1-(2,4-dichlorophenylaminocarbonyl)-cyclopropane carboxylic acid], ethephon (2-chloroethylphosphonic acid), auxin transport inhibitors, and temperature on leaf abscission. Ethephon induced bean leaf defoliation, but ethephon combined with cyclanilide induced greater defoliation than ethephon alone. The response was dose dependent, as 0.067 kg/ha ethephon alone did not induce defoliation, but when combined with an equal rate of cyclanilide induced 63% defoliation five days after treatment (DAT). In addition, combining auxin transport inhibitors at 0.140 kg a.i./ha with 0.067 kg a.i./ha ethephon induced 50 to 52% defoliation, 5 DAT. Ethephon-induced defoliation was more temperature sensitive than the combination of cyclanilide with ethephon. Ethephon alone (0.067 kg a.i./ha) induced 26% defoliation 5 DAT at the highest tested temperature (30/26?°C, dayight), but cyclanilide combined with ethephon induced 75 to 85% defoliation at all tested temperatures (except at 16/14?°C, the lowest). These results indicate that cyclanilide is an ethephon synergist because it enhanced ethephon activity, even at low temperatures. These results support the model that ethylene released by ethephon induces abscission, and suggests that inhibition of auxin transport or auxin signaling will increase the effect of ethylene on the process of leaf abscission. Because of the similarities to the activity to 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) and 2,3,4-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) in vivo, cyclanilide may act as an auxin transport inhibitor.
机译:使用深红色芸豆(菜豆)进行了整株植物的脱叶研究,以比较环苯胺内酯[1-(2,4-二氯苯基氨基羰基)-环丙烷羧酸],乙烯利(2-氯乙基膦酸),生长素运输抑制剂的作用以及叶片脱落时的温度。乙烯利引起的豆叶脱叶,但是乙烯利与环苯胺化物的结合引起的脱叶比单独的乙烯利更大。该反应是剂量依赖性的,因为仅0.067 kg / ha乙烯利不会引起落叶,但在治疗后五天(DAT)与等比例的环苯胺结合诱导63%的落叶。此外,将0.140 kg a.i./ha的生长素运输抑制剂与0.067 kg a.i./ha的乙烯利混合使用可诱导50%到52%的脱叶,5 DAT。乙烯利引起的脱叶比环苯胺与乙烯利的结合对温度更敏感。在最高测试温度(30/26?C,白天/夜晚)下,单独使用乙烯利(0.067 kg ai / ha)会引起26%的脱叶5 DAT,但在所有测试温度下,环苯胺与乙烯利合用都会引起75-85%的脱叶(除最低温度为16/14°C)。这些结果表明,环苯胺是乙烯利的增效剂,因为即使在低温下,它也能增强乙烯利的活性。这些结果支持乙烯利释放的乙烯引起脱落的模型,并表明生长素运输或生长素信号转导的抑制将增加乙烯对叶片脱落过程的影响。由于体内与1-N-萘基邻苯二甲酸(NPA)和2,3,4-三碘苯甲酸(TIBA)的活性相似,因此环苯胺可作为生长素运输抑制剂。



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