首页> 外文期刊>Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology >Bioremediation of Nuclear Waste Compound-TCEUsing Microbial Consortium/Potential Organism inDifferent Designed & Developed Reactors

Bioremediation of Nuclear Waste Compound-TCEUsing Microbial Consortium/Potential Organism inDifferent Designed & Developed Reactors




Nuclear waste dumping site found to contain the traces of organic compounds and heavy metals; in spite of the present physicochemical and biological treatment. The organic waste was commonly found to contain traces of Trichloroethylene. The remediation technology has been developed by using the bioresources of adapted microbial consortium and potential microorganisms at varying concentration in designed and developed reactors such as Shake Flask reactor (SFB), Packed Bed Reactor (PBR) and Hybrid Reactor (HR). The effectiveness of the remediation of TCE in different reactors studied. Remediation of TCE by microbial consortium and potential organism has been studied. The strain improvement method like immobilization, adaptation and mutation were found effective for developing cultures to increase biodegradation potential. In the present study, the reactors and the culture developed used for remediation of Nuclear Waste Compound- TCE has proved for developing bioremediation technology.



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