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Students’ Perception and Experience of Massive Open Online Courses in Mongolia




E-learning can be a potential solution to educational inequality problem in developing countries, like Mongolia, with vast land and sparse population. With the introduction of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), some impressive cases bring the attention of the public towards it. But there is no specific evidence? that? shows Mongolian students’ experiences related to these online courses yet. Purpose of this study was to examine Mongolian students’ MOOC perception and experience, especially influence of access, skills, and preferences in their practice. We used a 15-item questionnaire and results? were ?based on 6846 students ’ ?responses. The study population consists of undergraduate students of the National University of Mongolia and high school students from 8 schools in Ulaanbaatar city. There was a significant difference between university and high school students in the awareness and enrollment rates. 47% of the students have heard of MOOCs and 2518 respondents (37%) had an experience of taking MOOCs. Our results show that students have a doubt about MOOC’s academical quality and consider it as an additional source of learning materials. The results of this study can be used to compare students’ perception from other developing countries.
机译:在拥有大量土地和人口稀少的蒙古等发展中国家,电子学习可以解决教育不平等问题。随着大规模在线公开课程(MOOC)的引入,一些令人印象深刻的案例吸引了公众对其的关注。但是没有具体证据吗?那?显示蒙古学生与这些在线课程相关的经验。这项研究的目的是检验蒙古学生对MOOC的理解和经验,尤其是获取,技能和偏好在他们的实践中的影响。我们使用了15个项目的问卷和结果?是基于6846名学生的回答。研究人群包括蒙古国立大学的本科生和乌兰巴托市8所学校的高中生。在大学生和高中生之间,在意识和入学率方面存在显着差异。 47%的学生听说过MOOC,2518名受访者(37%)有服用MOOC的经历。我们的结果表明,学生对MOOC的学术质量有疑问,并将其视为学习材料的额外来源。这项研究的结果可用于比较学生对其他发展中国家的看法。



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