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The Value of a Personal Mission Statement for University Undergraduates




Despite the developmental significance of emerging adulthood as a time for critical self reflection and clarification of values, college and university education rarely includes self-assessment in curricula. Stephen Covey’s book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is a description of the importance of formulating a personal mission and critically reflecting on personal priorities. As part of a course in organizational psychology, students read about mission statements, their importance, and completed an accompanying workbook/journal. A key component of this exercise was for students to develop a personal mission statement. Students reported that they found this activity to be very helpful-- particularly regarding values clarification and how they were actually using their time. Students commented that because of the fast pace of their lives, they rarely had time to engage in this type of reflection and were appreciative of the structure provided by the reading, journal, and opportunity to discuss their goals and values.
机译:尽管成年期对于批判性的自我反思和价值观的澄清具有发展意义,但大学和大学的教育很少在课程中包括自我评估。斯蒂芬·科维(Stephen Covey)的著作《高效人才的七个习惯》描述了制定个人使命和批判性地考虑个人优先事项的重要性。作为组织心理学课程的一部分,学生阅读任务说明,其重要性,并完成随附的工作簿/期刊。该练习的关键部分是让学生制定个人的任务陈述。学生报告说,他们发现这项活动非常有帮助-特别是在澄清价值观以及他们如何实际利用时间方面。学生评论说,由于生活的快节奏,他们很少有时间进行这种思考,并且对阅读,日记以及讨论他们的目标和价值观的机会表示赞赏。



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