首页> 外文期刊>Comparative Economic Research >The Environmental, Social and Governance Aspects of Social Responsibility Indices – A Comparative Analysis of European SRI Indices

The Environmental, Social and Governance Aspects of Social Responsibility Indices – A Comparative Analysis of European SRI Indices




An increasing number of investors want to invest their capital not only with profit but also responsibly, and they pay significant attention to the formula of socially responsible investing (SRI), which means that they consciously engage their funds in companies operating in accordance with CSR principles. An important influence on the development of CSR is the role of stock exchange indices on socially responsible companies. These indices can be considered specific tools for adapting this concept in practice, in particular in the field of socially responsible investment. This article provides a comparative analysis of the social, environmental and governance criteria underlying the definition of the composition of selected European SRI indices. The research will cover the following indices: the DJSI Europe Index, the FTSE4Good Europe 40, the FTSE4Good Europe 50, the EURO STOXX Sustainability 40 and the Solactive Sustainability Index Europe. This paper also intends to set an index reflecting the degree to which companies of certain European countries are represented in major European SRI indices. Consequently, global and national initiatives and ratings were excluded, as well as sector- and industry-specific initiatives and ratings. The proposed index is standardized by introducing the GDP of each country into the calculation formula as a way to a achieve comparable result. We believe that the proposed metric will reflect the state of the art in SRI and provide an overall picture of SRI practices across nations.
机译:越来越多的投资者不仅要以利润为目的,而且要以负责任的方式进行资本投资,并且他们非常重视社会责任投资(SRI)的公式,这意味着他们有意识地将资金投入按照CSR原则运营的公司。对企业社会责任发展的重要影响是股票交易所指数对具有社会责任感的公司的作用。这些指数可以被认为是在实践中,特别是在对社会负责的投资领域中适应这一概念的特定工具。本文对选定的欧洲SRI指数组成定义所依据的社会,环境和治理标准进行了比较分析。研究将涵盖以下指数:DJSI欧洲指数,FTSE4Good欧洲40,FTSE4Good欧洲50,EURO STOXX可持续性40和欧洲可持续性可持续性指数。本文还打算设置一个指数,以反映某些欧洲国家的公司在主要的欧洲SRI指数中所占的比例。因此,排除了全球和国家的计划和评级,以及特定行业和行业的计划和评级。通过将每个国家的GDP引入计算公式中来对拟议指标进行标准化,以达到可比结果。我们认为,拟议的指标将反映SRI的最新水平,并提供各国SRI实践的总体情况。



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