首页> 外文期刊>Computer Science and Information Technology >Analysis of Support Vector Regression Model for Micrometeorological Data Prediction

Analysis of Support Vector Regression Model for Micrometeorological Data Prediction




This paper aims to reveal the appropriate amount of training data for accurately and quickly building a support vector regression (SVR) model for micrometeorological data prediction. SVR is derived from statistical learning theory and can be used to predict a quantity in the future based on training that uses past data. Although SVR is superior to traditional learning algorithms such as the artificial neural network (ANN), it is difficult to choose the most suitable amount of training data to build the appropriate SVR model for micrometeorological data prediction. The challenge of this paper is to reveal the periodic characteristics of micrometeorological data in Japan and determine the appropriate amount of training data to build the SVR model. By selecting the appropriate amount of training data, it is possible to improve both prediction accuracy and calculation time. When predicting air temperature in Sapporo, the prediction error was reduced by 0.1℃ and the calculation time was reduced by 98.7% using the appropriate amount of training data.
机译:本文旨在揭示适当数量的训练数据,以准确,快速地建立用于微气象数据预测的支持向量回归(SVR)模型。 SVR源自统计学习理论,可用于基于使用过去数据的训练来预测未来的数量。尽管SVR优于诸如人工神经网络(ANN)之类的传统学习算法,但很难选择最合适的训练数据量来构建用于微气象数据预测的合适SVR模型。本文的挑战是揭示日本微气象数据的周期性特征,并确定适当数量的训练数据以建立SVR模型。通过选择适当数量的训练数据,可以提高预测准确性和计算时间。使用适当的训练数据量,预测札幌的气温时,预测误差减少0.1℃,计算时间减少98.7%。



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