首页> 外文期刊>Computer Science & Information Technology >Development of A Knowledge- Based System for Undertaking the Risk Analysis of Proposed Building Projects for A Selected Client

Development of A Knowledge- Based System for Undertaking the Risk Analysis of Proposed Building Projects for A Selected Client




A Knowledge-Based System for the risk analysis of proposed building projects was developedfor a selected client. The Fuzzy Decision Variables (FDVs) that cause differences betweeninitial and final contract sums of building projects were identified, the likelihood of theoccurrence of the risks were determined and a Knowledge-Based System that would rank therisks was constructed using JAVA programming language and Graphic User Interface. TheKnowledge-Based System is composed a Knowledge Base for storing data, an Inference Enginefor controlling and directing the use of knowledge for problem-solution, and a User Interfacethat assists the user retrieve, use and alter data in the Knowledge Base. The developedKnowledge-Based System was compiled, implemented and validated with data of previouslycompleted projects. The client could utilize the Knowledge-Based System to undertake proposedbuilding projects .



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