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A Mixed Login Scheme Performed on Mobile Device to Resist Multiple Attack




Nowadays text-based password has been widely used in our daily life. However, rather thanchoose a complex text password people prefer to use a brief password so that they canremember it easily. Moreover, with the rapid increasing use of mobile applications, people ofteninput passwords in public. Attacker can perform shoulder surfing attack to observe thepassword directly with naked eyes or some video record devices. In order to resist the shouldersurfing attack, a number of authentication schemes based on graph have been proposed.However, graph-based password is totally different from text-based password. It's difficult forusers to memorize two different kinds of passwords. In this paper, we propose a mixed loginscheme called MixedKey which mixes graphic and traditional textual password. The loginindicator in the scheme is randomly and safely generated for each login. MixedKey divides eachpassword into characters, which connects graphic and text-based password. Users could loginour system in both public and private situations with just one password. We also implementedMixedKey and conducted experiments to measure the memorability and usability. The resultsshow MixedKey outperforms the existing schemes.
机译:如今,基于文本的密码已在我们的日常生活中广泛使用。但是,人们宁愿选择一个简短的密码,而不是选择一个复杂的文本密码,以便他们可以轻松地记住它。此外,随着移动应用程序的迅速增加,人们经常在公共场所输入密码。攻击者可以执行肩膀冲浪攻击,以肉眼或某些视频记录设备直接观察密码。为了抵御肩上的攻击,提出了多种基于图形的认证方案。但是,基于图形的密码与基于文本的密码完全不同。用户很难记住两种不同的密码。在本文中,我们提出了一种混合登录方案,称为MixKey,它混合了图形密码和传统的文本密码。该方案中的登录指示符是为每次登录随机且安全地生成的。 MixedKey将每个密码划分为字符,这些字符连接图形密码和基于文本的密码。在公共场合和私人场合,用户都可以使用一个密码登录我们的系统。我们还实现了MixedKey并进行了实验以测量记忆性和可用性。结果表明,MixedKey优于现有方案。



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