首页> 外文期刊>Computer Science & Information Technology >A Group Decision Making for Coastal Wetland Park Selection Approach Using Topsisand Interval-Valued Fuzzy Numbers

A Group Decision Making for Coastal Wetland Park Selection Approach Using Topsisand Interval-Valued Fuzzy Numbers




Due to the increasing awareness of environmental and social issues, sustainable coastalwetland park selection becomes an important problem. The aim of this paper is to develop anew performance evaluation method for multi-attribute decision making (MADM) problems in agroup decision environment, based on combining an integrated group Techniques for OrderPreferences by Similarity to Ideal Solution (IG-TOPSIS) and interval-valued fuzzy numbers.Coastal wetland park selection often involves uncertain information due to the subjective natureof human judgments. Because human beings are more suitable using linguistic terms ratherthan crisp values or precise numbers to express what they perceive, the rating values can beexpressed in linguistic terms. These linguistic terms, however, are often imprecise or vague. Theinterval-valued fuzzy sets can provide more flexibility than ordinary fuzzy sets in representingvague or uncertain information. This paper presents an interval-valued fuzzy IG-TOPSISmethod, which aims to solve MADM problems in which the preferences of different decisionmakers are considered and expressed clearly using the concepts of interval-valued fuzzy sets. Acase study for evaluating the performances of several sites for coastal wetland park selection isconducted to illustrate the effectiveness of this method.



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