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Hox11 genes regulate postnatal longitudinal bone growth and growth plate proliferation




Hox genes are critical regulators of skeletal development and Hox9 - 13 paralogs, specifically, are necessary for appendicular development along the proximal to distal axis. Loss of function of both Hoxa11 and Hoxd11 results in severe malformation of the forelimb zeugopod. In the radius and ulna of these mutants, chondrocyte development is perturbed, growth plates are not established, and skeletal growth and maturation fails. In compound mutants in which one of the four Hox11 alleles remains wild-type, establishment of a growth plate is preserved and embryos develop normally through newborn stages, however, skeletal phenotypes become evident postnatally. During postnatal development, the radial and ulnar growth rate slows compared to wild-type controls and terminal bone length is reduced. Growth plate height is decreased in mutants and premature growth plate senescence occurs along with abnormally high levels of chondrocyte proliferation in the reserve and proliferative zones. Compound mutants additionally develop an abnormal curvature of the radius, which causes significant distortion of the carpal elements. The progressive bowing of the radius appears to result from physical constraint caused by the disproportionately slower growth of the ulna than the radius. Collectively, these data are consistent with premature depletion of forelimb zeugopod progenitor cells in the growth plate of Hox11 compound mutants, and demonstrate a continued function for Hox genes in postnatal bone growth and patterning.
机译:Hox基因是骨骼发育的关键调节因子,Hox9-13旁系同源物特别是沿近端至远端轴的阑尾发育所必需。 Hoxa11和Hoxd11的功能丧失会导致前肢足足畸形。在这些突变体的尺骨和尺骨中,软骨细胞发育受到干扰,生长板未建立,骨骼生长和成熟失败。在其中四个Hox11等位基因之一仍为野生型的复合突变体中,保留了生长板的建立,并且胚胎在整个新生阶段都正常发育,但是,骨骼型在出生后变得很明显。在产后发育期间,与野生型对照相比,the骨和尺骨的生长速度减慢,并且末梢骨长度减少。在突变体中生长板高度降低,并且在储备区和增生区中,过早的生长板衰老以及异常高水平的软骨细胞增殖发生。复合突变体另外会产生异常的半径曲率,这会导致腕骨元素发生严重变形。 radius骨的逐渐弯曲似乎是由于尺骨比than骨的生长不成比例地缓慢引起的物理约束所致。总体而言,这些数据与Hox11复合突变体生长板中前肢斑足类祖细胞的过早消耗相一致,并证明了Hox基因在产后骨骼生长和模式形成中的持续功能。



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